Ancient Ports in western Italy

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Ancient port mentioned by ancient author(s)

Ancient port mentioned by modern author(s) only

Potential ancient harbour, from a nautical point of view

NB Ancient name Modern name
811 Roman Villa Eva, near Ventimiglia
811.1 Vintimilio plagia, Album Intermilium, Albintimilium Ventimiglia, on R Nervia
812 Roman villa at Foce, near Sanremo
813 Matutia La Costa, Sanremo
814 Roman villa di Bussana, near Sanremo
815 Costa Balenae, at the outlet of R Tavia Riva Ligure, on R Taggia
816 Portus Mauritii, Portu Maurici Porto Maurizio, near Imperia
817 Lucus Bormani Diano Marina
818 Albingauno, Albenganum Albenga, on R Centa, with an anchorage at Isola Gallinaria
819 Pullopice Finale Ligure
820 Varicottis Varigotti
821 Vada Sabatia, Vadis Savadis Vado Ligure
822 Insula Liguriae Isola di Bergeggi with ancient lighthouse, near Vado Ligure
823 Savo, Vicus Virginis? Savona, on R Letimbro
824 Alba Docilia Roman villa at Albissola
825 San Donato, near Varazze
826 Ad Navalia Cogoleto
827 Hasta Voltri
828 Sestri Ponente Sestri Ponente, on R Polcevera
829 Genua Piazza Caricamento, Roman port of Genoa
830 archaic landing place of Genua, Etruscan Cainua? Piazza Brignole, on R Bisagno
831 Ricina Recco
832 Delphinis Camogli
833 Portu Delphini, Port du Dauphin Portofino
834 Ad Solaria Chiavari
835 Tegulata Lavagna
836 Segesta, Tigulliorum Sestri Levante
837 Ad Monilia Moneglia
838 Antion Framura
839 Portus Veneris Portovenere, the Genoese rampart is built on top of the Roman quay, the lighthouse is on isola del Tino
840 Roman villa del Varignano Vecchio, near Le Gracie, La Spezia
841 San Vito di Marola (ancient site destroyed by Italian Navy in 19th c.)
842 Erix, Portus Ericis, Erycis, Portus Illycis, Pullion Lerici, Pugliola
843 Roman villa di Bocca di Magra, Ameglia
844 Portus Lunae, Lune, Selene, Etruscan Luna, near R Macra  (export of white marble) Luni Antica, on former coastal lagoon in between R Magra and R Parmignola, near Carrara (Etruscan Carhara, Carhaira)
845 Taberna Frigida Massa
846 Fossae Papirianae R Versilia, near Forte dei Marni & Pietrasanta
847 San Rocchino, near Massarosa
848 Roman villa at Massaciuccoli
849 Isola del Migliarino, near R Serchio
850 Ponte alle Conche, near R Serchio
851 Port of Pise, Pisa, Etruscan Pisna, Peithusa, Pithsa, on ancient R Auser, near R Arnus Stazione Ferroviaria Pisa-San Rossore, near Pisa, near R Arno, with Neolithic settlement
852 Roman villa at San Piero a Grado, near Pisa on R Arno
853 Isola di Coltano, with Neolithic settlement
854 Triturrita? Turrita? Near Portus Pisanus, Pisarum emporio, Liburnus Portus, Portus Herculis Liburni, Portus Labro, Etruscan Liburna Santo Stefano ai Lupi, Livorno. This port was connected to the city of Pisa by a series of marshes. A lighthouse was on the Secche della Meloria. Neolithic settlement at Querciolaia
855 Castiglioncello
856 Vadis, Vada Volaterrana San Gaetano di Vada, near Vada Volterra
857 Caecina, Etruscan Ceicna, Caicni Villa Romana di San Vincenzino, at Cecina, on R Cecina
858 Caprasia insula Isle of Capraia
858.1 Roman villa at Villa del Barone, Poggio del Molino
859 Populonio, Poplonium, Etruscan Fufluna, Pupluna Baratti, near Populonia
859.1 Roman villa Le Logge, at Populonia
860 Falesia, Porto Falese Piombino, with Neolithic settlement
861 Vignale
862 Etruscan Fullona Follonica
863 Roman villa at Puntone Vecchio di Scarlino
864 Portus Scabris Portiglione
865 R Alma Pian d’Alma
866 Ilva, Aithalia, Ethalie Isle of Elba, with Neolithic settlement
867 Argous portus, Argoos, Portoferraio, on the isle of Elba
868 Edilnautica marina, on the isle of Elba
869 Roman villa Le Grotte, on the isle of Elba
870 Roman villa at Capo Castello, on the isle of Elba
871 Portus Longus Porto Longone, Porto Azzurro, on the isle of Elba
872  Planasia insula Isle of Pianosa, near the isle of Elba
873 Bagni di Agrippa, Roman villa and Neolithic settlements near Cala Giovanna and La Scola islet, on the isle of Pianosa
874 Stronzolo di Orlando, near Cala del Bruciato, on the isle of Pianosa
875 Traianos Limen, Cape Troia Cala del Barbiere, near Punta Ala, in front of the isle of Elba
876 Salebro Roman villa at Paduline, Castiglione della Pescaia, on R Bruna
876.1 Vetulonium, Etruscan Vatluna? on Lacus Prilius, Lacu Aprile Vetulonia, now inland, on R Bruna
877 Port of Rusellae? on R Umbronis Spolverino, on R Ombrone
878 Roman villa Le Terme, Santa Francesca di Talamone
879 Portus Telamonis, Telamon Port of Talamone, near Talamonaccio on R Osa
880 R Alminia Roman villa at Albinia, near the end of Giannella tombolo, on R Albegna
880.1 Punta degli Stretti, near Canale di Nassa through Giannella tombolo
881 Domitiana positio, Portus Domitianus Roman villa at Santa Liberata, on the peninsula of Argentario
882 Incitaria? Porto San Stefano, on the peninsula of Argentario
883 Aegilium, Igilium insula Campese, on the isle of Giglio
884 Igilium Porto, with Roman mole under the modern breakwater, Neolithic settlement, on the isle of Giglio
884.1 Bagno del Saraceno, Roman villa on the isle of Giglio
885 Oglasa insula Isle of Montecristo, with Neolithic settlement
886 Portu Herculis, Port of Hercules Porto Ercole, on the peninsula of Argentario
887 Etruscan port of Vulci Orbetello, on Orbetello peninsula inside the Orbetello lagoon
888 Roman villa at La Madonnella, Orbetello
888.1 Roman villa of Portus Feniglius, on Duna Feniglia tombolo, near Taglio di Ansedonia canal
889 Artemisia, Dianium insula Cala Spalmatoio, on the isle of Giannutri
890 Villa Domitia, on Artemisia, Dianium insula Cala Maestra, with Roman villa at Punta Scaletta, on the isle of Giannutri
891 Cosa, Cossae, Portus Herculis Cosanus, Etruscan Cusi, Cuthi Ansedonia, with Roman villas at Tagliata & Torre San Biagio
891.1 Lago di Burano
892 R Arnine, Armenta, port of Vulci, Etruscan Velch, Velx Roman villa Tombolo Palombaro at Montalto Marina on R Fiora
893 Regis, Regae Roman villa Pian delle Murelle, near Montalto
894 Quintiana Casale di Cazzanello, near Riva dei Tarquini
895 Martanum, Maltano, Etruscan port Roman villa Pian di Spille, near R Marta at Voltone
896 Graviscae, port of Tarquinia, Etruscan Tarchuna, Tarchna, possible first settlement of Etruscan people Porto Clementino
897 Rapinium Roman villa at Bagni di San Agostino, near R Mignone
897.1 Roman villa at Torre San Agostino
898 Algae Torre Valdaliga
899 La Mattonara
899.1 Roman villa at Punta San Paolo, inside modern port area
900 Centumcellae, Palace of the Hundred Chambres. It is the translator of Pliny the Younger who calls it like this, but the « hundred chambres » could also mean the numerous caves in this area, rather than a palace Darsena Romana in the port of Civitavecchia, and its Torre del Lazzaretto and its Torre del Bicchiere
901 Roman villa at Punta del Pecoraro
902 Roman villa at Punta della Vipera
903 Castrum Novum (port of Caere, Coere, Agylla), Etruscan port Roman villa Casale Alibrandi, Torre Chiaruccia, west of cape Linaro, at outlet of R Guardiole
904 Panapione Santa Marinella
904.1 Punicum Castello Odescalchi at Santa Marinella, with Roman villa & fish tank 600 m west
905 Roman villa Le Grottacce, Santa Marinella East
905.1 Villa Romana I Grottini
906 Pyrgoi, Pyrgi (also called The Towers), port of Agylle, Caere, Etruscan Chaire, Caisra, Cisra Castello Santa Severa, canal-port, at outlet of R Caolino
906.1 Pyrgoi, Pyrgi (also called The Towers), port of Agylle, Caere, Etruscan Chaire, Caisra, Cisra Castello Santa Severa, sanctuary-port, at outlet of R Caolino
906.2 Etruscan submerged structure Macchiatonda
907 Roman villa at Fosso Zembra, Campo di Mare, near Marina di Cerveteri, with large circular fish tank at 400 m NW
908 Roman villa at Torre Flavia
908.1 Roman villa at Piazza degli Nereide, Ladispoli
909 Alsium, port of Agylla, Caere, Coere, Etruscan Chaire, Caisra Palo Laziale, with Roman villa
910 Roman villa at Marina di San Nicola
911 Roman villa at Torre di Palidoro
912 Fregenae, Etruscan Ficrine Fregene
913 Portus Augusti Ostiensis, Portus Claudii, Portus Claudius, Port Claude Porto di Claudio, “The Emperor’s port at Ostia”, near the airport of Fiumicino
914 Portus Trajani, Portus Trajanus Porto di Traiano, near the airport of Fiumicino. The harbour basin is on the Sforza property and its water level was raised 3 m in the early 20th century, this hides and protects all ancient structures, except warehouses
915 Tyrrhene ancient lighthouse of Portus Claudius supposed location of the ancient lighthouse of Portus Claudius
916 Ostia, port of Rome Ostia, with possible lighthouse at Tor Boacciana. It may be noted that Denys is more positive on the use of this port than Strabo, although they both lived in the same period
917 Ostia Ostia river port in ancient Tiber meander “Fiume Morto”
918 Ostia Ostia, molo repubblicano
919 Stella-Buoi, Stalla Buoi, at the outlet of the Canale Romano on R Tiber, immediately East of Portus Trajanus
920 Quartaccio, at Ponte Galeria
921 Ficana Monti di San Paolo, near Acilia
922 Portus Vicus Alexandri Santa Passera, on left bank of R Tiber, South of Rome
923 Santa Passera, on right bank of R Tiber
924 on left bank of R Tiber, at Ponte Marconi
925 Pietra Papa, on right bank of R Tiber
926 Ponte Testaccio, archaïc Mattatoio, on right bank of R Tiber; Note the ancient port area spanned ca. 2 km from Ponte Testaccio to Ponte Cestius-Fabricius
926.1 Pons Probi, Pons Novus, Pons Marmoreus Theodosii On right bank of R Tiber at bridge of Probus, now destroyed, on Aurelian Wall & in front of Porta Portuensis
927 Horrea Galbae, Horrea Lollianae, Horrea Seianae, Emporium and Porticus Aemilia Porticus Aemilia, emporium on left bank of R Tiber at Marmorata, south of Ponte Sublico. Tucci claims it could be shipsheds
928 Transtiberim, Trastevere Porto di Ripa Grande, on right bank of R Tiber between Ponte Sublico and Porta Portese
929 Salinae at toe of Aventino hill
930 Portus Tiberinus, near Pons Aemilius, oldest archaic port of Rome, close to Foro Romano and Horrea Agrippiana Foro Boario, on left bank of R Tiber near Ponte Rotto and isle of Tiberina
930.1 Ponte Cestio, on right bank of R Tiber
931 Ponte Aelius, no far from the wine market Ad Ciconias nixas, near Campus Martius, with “cranes looking like storks” Between Ponte Sant’Angelo and Ponte Umberto I, on left bank of R Tiber
931.1 Ripetta, on left bank of R Tiber
932 Roman villa di Procoio at Pianabella
932.1 Roman villa di Plinio at Palombara
932.2 Vicus Augustanus Laurentium Grotta di Piastra
933 Roman villa Magna Grotte di Piastra
934 Praetorium de Laurentum Tor Paterno, inside Riserva statale Tenuta di Castelporziano
934.1 Roman villa del Discobolo, Pantan di Lauro
935 Troia? Roman villa at Torvaianica, at outlet of Fosso Pratica
936 Roman villa La Madonnella at Torvaianica
937 Roman villa at Centro Regina
938 Castrum Inui Tor San Lorenzo, at Porto Rutulo
939 Lacus Nemorensis (Caligula’s Naumachies) Lago di Nemi, , with many Roman villae
940 Lacus Albanus (Caligula’s Naumachies) Lago Albano, with many Roman villae
941 Lacus Fucinus (Claudius’ Naumachies) Lake Fucin, now dried out in the valley of Avezzano
942 Roman villa at Tor Caldara
943 Antium, Nero’s port, Etruscan Anth? Caenon? Anzio, with Nero’s Roman villa and several others
944 Castello di San Gallo at Nettuno
945 Castello di San Gallo at Nettuno
946 Caenon? Castello di San Gallo at Nettuno, on R Loricina
946.1 Roman villa Le Grottacce
946.2 Roman villa La Chiesola
947 Roman villa La Saracca
948 Roman villa La Banca
949 Astura, Storas, on R Astura Torre Astura, on R Astura
950 Clostra Romana Lago di Fogliano, near Latina
951 Ad Turres Albas near Lago dei Monaci
952 Roman villa at Palazzo di Domiziano, near Sabaudia
953 Port of Circei, Circe, Eea, Aeaea, Aiaia, Aia insula?, possible stopover for Odysseus inside Lago di Paola, several Roman villas incl. Piscina di Lucullo, with access via canal and breakwaters
954 Circei, Circaeum prom., Kirkaion, outlet of Nero’s Fossa Augusta Cape Circeo, with several Roman villae, with canal outlet on R Torto
955 Terracina, Tarracina, Anxur, Etruscan Tarchna, Tarkina Terracina, with several Roman villae
956 Fundi Fondi, with possible connections to the sea via Lago di Fondi and Canale Canneto and Cannale Sant’Anastasia
957 Pontia insula Porto di Ponza, with Roman villa Grotta di Pilato, Punta della Madonna, on the isle of Ponza
957.1 Sinonia insula Isola Zannone, with fish tank
958 Pandataria insula Roman villa Giulia at Punta Eolo, on the isle of Ventotene
958.1 Pandataria insula Roman villa Polveriera at Porto Vecchio, on the isle of Ventotene
959 Aegina, on Pandataria insula San Stefano, islet near the isle of Ventotene
960 Speluncae Sperlonga, Torre Truglia
961 Villa Tiberii Roman villa Grotta di Tiberio, with fresh-water fish tank
961.1 Roman villa behind Bazzano beach
961.2 Roman villa San Agostino, Pian delle Salce
961.3 Roman villa San Vito, Monte a Mare, Albergo Ninfeo
962 Caiete, Caieta, Caeatas, Aeete, Etruscan Caithi Gaeta, Gaète
962.1 Spiaggia di Fontania, with Roman villa Gneo Fonteo, La Catena, La Nave, and many others on Spiaggia Serapo and around Gaeta
962.2 Roman villa Arzano
962.3 Roman villa Accetta at Punta Conca
962.4 Roman villa Arcela, Villa Irlanda
962.5 Roman villa Vindicio
963 Roman villa La Caraciolo at Porto di Caposele
963.1 Roman villa Rubino, Villa di Cicerone
964 Formiae, Formies, Hormies Roman villa at Marina di Castellone
965 Formiae, Formies, Hormies Formia, Roman villa Sarinola
965.1 Formiae, Formies, Hormies Formia, Roman villa Caposelice under Mercato Largo Paone
966 Roman villa Mamurra, with fish pond at Porticciolo Romano, Torre Gianola
967 Pyrae? Roman villa at Scauri
968 Minturnae, on via Appia, with Pons Tirenus bridge on R Liris Minturno on R Garigliano
968.1 Marica temple, sea-port of Minturnae Outlet of R Garigliano
969 Villa Romana San Limato
970 Sinuessa, Sinuesa, Sinope Baia Azzurra Levagnole, near Mondragone
971 Roman villa at Treppete, near Mondragone
972 Aquae Sinuessanae & Pagus Sarclanus? Starza di Mondragone
973 Volturnum, on R Vulturnus Castel Volturno, on R Volturno
974 Liternum, Linternum, port of the Osci, Oskoi, Osques, Opici, Aurunci, Ausones Lago di Patria
975 Cumae, Cumes, Kyme Cuma, with uncertain location of ancient port NE and/or SW of the acropolis, and uncertain Fossa Neronis
975.1 Villa near Acherusia Palus Roman villa of Publius Servilius Vatia Isauricus, at Torre Vageta Fusaro, near Fusaro lake
976 Aenaria Baia di Cartaromana, on the isle of Ischia
976.1 Porto d’Ischia, on the isle of Ischia
977 Pithekoussai, Pithecusae, Etruscan Inarime, first Greek (Euboian) settlement in Italy Monte Vico, at Lacco Ameno, on the isle of Ischia
978 Punta Chiarito, on the isle of Ischia
978.1 Procita, Prochyta insula Isle of Procida
978.2 Punta d’Alaca & Punta di Mezzogiorno, on the isle of Vivara
979 Roman villa di Lucullo, near Grotta della Dragonara
979.1 Roman villa at Punta Terone
980 Misenos, Misenum, Misene, home port of Classis Misenensis fleet as from 12 BC Capo Miseno, West of Naples
980.1 Misenos, Misenum, Misene, Inner harbour Lago Miseno, Mare Morto
981 Misenos, Misenum, Misene Punta Terone, pilae of the southern breakwater
982 Misenos, Misenum, Misene Punta di Pennata, pilae of the northern breakwater
983 Misenos, Misenum, Misene Punta Sarparella, concrete jetty within the harbour
984 Misenos, Misenum, Misene Punta di Pennata, pilae within the harbour
984.1 Misenos, Misenum, Misene Roman villa on isola Pennata
984.2 Thermae Roman villa Cento Camerelle, Bacoli
984.3 Bauli Roman villa Marina Grande, Hortalus fish tank, Bacoli
985 Bauli Roman villa Tomba di Agrippina, Caesar fish tank, Bacoli
985.1 Bauli Roman villa Bagni Salvatore, Bacoli
985.2 Bauli Roman villa Castello di Baia, Bacoli
985.3 Bauli Roman villa near via Lucullo & Castello Aragonese, Bacoli
986 Baiae, Baïes, with access to Portus Baianus, on Lacus Baianus Baia, two concrete moles over 200 m long, access to Porto di Baia, and several Roman villae: Terme di Mercurio, Terme di Sosandra, Terme di Venere, Templo di Diana, Villa dei Pisoni, Palazzo dei Cesari
986.1 Roman villa dei Pisoni
987 Access to Portus Iulius, Julius, port of Julien, on Lacus Lucrinus, used by Agrippa as a naval base from 37 BC to 12 BC Lucrino, two concrete moles over 200 m long
988 Navale di Agrippa, on Lacus Avernus, Odysseus’ stopover at the Halls of Hades possibly in this area Lake Averno
989 Vicus Annianus, Invinias Pozzuoli West
990 Vicus Lartidianus Pozzuoli West
991 Puteoli, Dikaiarcheia, Dicearque, Flavia Colonia Augusta Puteoli, Delus Minor, in the Campi Phlegraei volcano district Pozzuoli, Pouzzoles, Puteoles, in the Campi Flegrei volcano district, pilae of arched mole are under modern breakwater (Molo Caligoliano)
991.1 Puteoli, Dikaiarcheia, Dicearque Rocca di Rione Terra, large number of submerged pilae
992 Nesis, Odysseus’ port of the Cyclops ? Porto Paone, on the isle of Nisida, which is now connected to the continent by a breakwater, at Naples (Cuisenier mentions this site with two other possible sites: Marettimo and Faraglioni, Nisida clearly providing the best shelter as described by Homer)
993 Nesis Nisida, very large pila of over 1500 m3 remaining from an arched mole
994 Imperial Villa of Pausilypon Roman villa at Posillipo, protected by row of pilae
994.1 Imperial Villa of Pausilypon Palazzo degli Spiriti, with pilae
995 Imperial Villa of Pausilypon Pollion’s villa at Porto Marechiaro, with pilae
995.1 Villa Volpicelli, and several other coastal villas near Capo di Posillipo
996 Megaris insula Castell del’Ovo, at Pizzofalcone in Naples
997 Parthenope, Neapolis Santa Lucia, near Pizzofalcone in Naples, but port probably at Piazza Municipio since early times
997.1 Neapolis Naples, Piazza Municipio, offshore Roman pier made with timber caissons
998 Neapolis Naples, Piazza Municipio, onshore Roman quay
999 Roman villa dei Papiri
999.1 Herculaneum, Etruscan Herclena Ercolano, Resina
1000 Roman villa Sora, near Torre del Greco
1001 Oplontis Villa di Poppea, near Torre Annunziata
1002 Pompeia, Porta Marina, Etruscan Pumpai Pompei, uncertain location of ancient port on R Sarno near Porta Marina and/or near Porta Stabia?, with several Roman villae: Misteri, Diomede, Colonne a mosaico, Cicerone, Imperiale
1002.1 Pompeia, Porta Stabia, Etruscan Pumpai Pompei, uncertain location of ancient port on R Sarno near Porta Marina and/or near Porta Stabia?, with several Roman villae: Misteri, Diomede, Colonne a mosaico, Cicerone, Imperiale
1003 Stabiae Castellammare di Stabia, with several Roman villae: Petraro, San Marco, Pastore, Ariana
1004 Aequana Roman villa at Pezzolo beach, Marina di Seiano,near Vico Equense
1005 Piano di Sorrento
1005.1 Roman villa at Marina Piccola
1006 Surrentum, Etruscan Irnthi Sorrento, Roman villa Agrippa Postumus at Marina Grande
1007 Roman villa at Capo di Sorrento, Bagni della Regina Giovanna
1007.1 Roman villa at Marina di Puolo, at Punta della Calcarella
1008 Roman villa at Capo di Massa
1008.1 Minervae Prom. Roman villa at Punta Campanella
1009 Capraria, Capreae insula Bagni di Tiberio, near Marina Grande on the isle of Capri, with lighthouse at Roman villa Jovis
1010 Capraria, Capreae insula Palazzo a Mare, near Marina Grande on the isle of Capri
1010.1 Capraria, Capreae insula Roman villa Damecuta on the isle of Capri
1011 Capraria, Capreae insula Scoglio del Monacone, near the isle of Capri
1012 Capraria, Capreae insula Marina Piccola, on the isle of Capri
1013 Roman villa on Scoglio Isca, Galluzzo
1013.1 Seirenoussai nesoi, Anthemoessa insulae, Anthemuse, possible Siren islands, no stopover for Odysseus isola di Gallo Lungo
1014 Roman villa at Positano
1015 Amalfi Civitas Amalfi
1016 Roman villa at Minori
1017 Vietri Punta Fuenti, near Vietri sul Mare
1018 Salernum, Etruscan Irna Salerno
1019 Arensola, near Eboli
1020 Portus Alburnus at the outlet of R Silarus, now called Sele, near Capaccio-Paestum
1021 Poseïdonia, Posidonia, Paestum, on R Silarus Capaccio-Paestum, possibly near Torre di Paestum
1022 Roman villa San Marco at Agropoli
1023 San Marco di Castellabate
1023.1 Isola Licosa
1024 Velia, Elea, Portus Velinus, Hyele, near R Hales Velia, near R Alento
1025 Palinurus Roman villa at Palinuro, near Centola
1026 Oenotrides insulae, Molpa Scoglio del Coniglio? With good anchorage on the coast
1027 Pyxus, near Buxentum Prom. Policastro Bussentino, near Capo degli Ingreschi, near Camerota
1028 Scidrus Roman villa at Cammerelle, near Sapri
1029 Cesernia Capo La Timpa, near Maratea
1030 Isle of Santo Janni, Santoianni
1030.1 Roman villa at La Secca, near Castrocucco
1031 Blanda Tortora Marina, on R Noce
1032 Petrosa
1033 Laos, Laus outlet of R Lao?
1034 Cerillea, Cerilli Cirella
1035 Belvedere Marittimo
1036 Acquappesa
1037 Port of Pandosia San Lucido
1038 Klampeteia, Clampetia Amantea
1039 Temesa, Temese, Tempsa, on R Sabutus outlet of R Savuto, 10 km South of Amantea
1040 Roman villa at Piano delle Vigne, near Falerna
1041 Terina Sant’Eufemia Vetere, near Lamezia Terme
1042 Ad Turres between R Angitola and R Savuto
1043 Port Parthenius of the phoceans, on R Tanno? unlocalized, in the gulf of Eufemia near the airport of Lamezia Terme
1044 Acconia Acconia
1045 Ad Fluvium Angitulam Ponte Angitola, near Francavilla Angitola
1046 Annicia Pizzo
1047 Leucosia, Ithacesiae insula, near Vibo Vibo Marina, near Vibo Valentia
1047.1 port of Hipponium, Hipponion Outlet of R Trainiti, near Bivona
1047.2 Scoglio Galera, near Torre Sant’Irene
1047.3 Punta di Zambrone
1048 Trapeia, Port of Hercules Tropea
1049 Nicotera Marina
1050 San Teodoro
1051 Emporion Rosarno
1052 Medma, Mesma Pian delle Vigne, near Rosarno
1053 Port at the outlet of R Metaurus, Metaure R Petrace, near Gioia Tauro
1054 Taurianum Taureana, near Lido di Palmi
1055 Portus Orestis Marina di Palmi, Porto Ravaglioso
1056 Ad Mallias between Nicotera and Reggio di Calabria
1057 Arciade Arciade
1058 Scyllaeum, Scylla, in front of Charybdis in Sicily, both Planktes insulae, where Odysseus possibly sailed Scilla
1059 Kainys Punta Pezzo, near Villa San Giovanni
1060 Ad Columnam Villa San Giovanni
1061 Rhegium, Rhegion Rhege, Reggio di Calabria
1062 Leucopetra, Petra, Bruttium Prom. Punta di Pellaro
1063 Decastadium? on R Halex Melito di Porto Salvo, on R Melito
1064 Scyle Bova Marina
1065 Hipporum near Galati
1066 Zephyrion Akra, Zephyrium Prom., Zeffiro Capo Bruzzano near Africo
1067 Roman villa Palazzi di Casignana
1068 Altanum? Bovalino Marina
1069 Lokroi Epizephyrioi, Locri Epizefiri, Locres Locri
1070 Subsicivo? near Marina di Gioiosa Ionica
1071 Amphissa, Santo Onofrio near Roccella Ionica
1072 Kaulonia, Caulonia, Aulonia, Stilida Punta Stilo, at Monasterace Marina
1073 Cocinto? on R Assi, near Monasterace
1074 Vivarium Copanello, near Stalettì
1075 Scylletium, Scolacium Roccelletta, near Borgia
1076 Castra Hannibalis, Camp of Annibal Torre di Catanzaro
1077 Tacina at crossing of R Tacina, near Cutro
1078 Le Castella
1079 Port of Aphrodite, Dioskourias, Cape Iapygie, Iapygium Prom., Sallentin Cape Rizzuto
1080 Cape Cimiti
1081 Port of Lakinion Greco-Roman colony, near Naus  Prom., Lacinium  Prom., Hera/Juno temple Cape Scifo, near Cape Colonna
1081.1 possible stopover of Odysseus on Calypso’s isle of Ogygia acc to Scylax Submerged island off Capo Colonna coast
1082 Kroton, Crotone, on R Aisaros Crotone, on R Esaro
1083 Meto outlet of R Neto
1084 Krimisa? Ciro Marina
1085 Temple of Apollo Alaeus, port of Aesarus Punta Alice, near Ciro Marina
1086 Paternum, at outlet of R Hylias Outlet of R Fiumenica
1087 Cariati
1088 Sybaris ad Traeis, on R Traeis near Mirto and Crosia, on R Trionto
1089 Portus Roscia, Ruscia, Rouskiane Mirto
1090 archaic Sybaris, on R Sybaris and R Crathis, Thourioi, Thurii, Copia Laghi di Sibari, Francavilla Marittima, on R Crati
1091 Broglio di Trebisacce
1092 Ad Vicesimum, Lagaria? Amendolara
1093 Roman villa at Menzinara, near Montegiordano
1094 Cugno dei Vagni near Rocca Imperiale
1095 Piano San Pietro
1096 Ad Simnum, Semnum on right bank of R Sinni
1097 Siris, on R Siris on left bank of R Sinni
1098 Heraclea, Heraclee Policoro
1098.1 Termitito, Bosco di Andriace, near Montalbano Jonico
1099 Metapontum, Metaponte Metaponto
1100 Tarentum, Taras, Neptuna Tarento, Taranto, Scoglio del Tonno
1101 Roman villa at Masseria Caronella, near Tarento
1102 Choirades, Choerades, Khoirades insulae Isole Cheradi, Isola San Paolo and San Pietro
1103 Satyrion, Saturnum Torre Saturo & Porto Pirrone
1103.1 Marina di Pulsano
1104 Torre Ovo
1105 Port Sasina Porto Cesareo
1106 Port of Neretum Santa Caterina
1107 Kallipolis, Callipolis, Anxa Gallipoli
1108 Port of Uzentum Torre San Giovanni
1109 Torre San Gregorio
1110 Portus Sallentinus, Leuke, near Iapygia Prom. Santa Maria di Leuca, near Punta Ristola