The references are listed as ancient authors and as modern authors.
The French translations of ancient texts that mention ports are available as a pdf version of Volume II of this project. The links to (mostly French) translations available on the web are also given hereunder. The main sources are Remacle for French translations and Lacus Curtius for English translations. It is realised that translations available on the web are not the most up to date ones, but they will allow you to read the approximate content of each citation before you may decide to search for a more recent translation.
The list of ancient authors is given in alphanumerical order. You will have to forgive the French habit to “francize” names and titles.
It is also interesting to have a look at the dates of the ancient authors. If we forget about the approximate and unknown dates, we can see they are scattered between 1500 BC and 500 AD (with a few exceptions). That is two thousand years! They certainly have not all seen the same port structures.
- AGATHARCHIDES of CNIDUS (2nd c. BC) : On the Erythraean Sea
- AMMIANUS MARCELLINUS (330 – 400 AD) : Histoire de Rome
- ANONYMOUS: Inscriptions & Papyri
- ANONYMOUS (6th or 5th c. BC): Périple d’Hannon en Afrique de l’Ouest
- ANONYMOUS (2nd to 1st c. BC) : Stadiasmus Maris Magni
- ANONYMOUS (1st c. AD) : Periplus Maris Erythraei – Voyage around the Erythraean Sea (Red Sea)
- ANONYMOUS (1st to 3rd c. AD) : The Bible
- ANONYMOUS (350 – 360 AD) : Expositio Totius Mundi
- ANONYMOUS (between 4th and 6th c. AD, after Pascal Arnaud, Genoa, 2004) : Itinerarium Maritimum – Itinéraire Maritime
- ANTIPATER of THESSALONICA (1st c. BC) : Epitaphs (VII in Greek Anthology)
- Sidonius APOLLINARIS (430 – 486 AD) :
Lettres - ANTIPHILUS of BYZANTIUM (1st c. AD)
Epigrammes - APOLLODORUS of ATHENS (2nd c. BC) : Bibliothèque
- APOLLONIUS of RHODES (295 – 215 BC) : Les Argonautiques en Méditerranée en Mer Noire
- APPIAN of ALEXANDRIA (ca. 95 – 165 AD) :
Histoire des Guerres Civiles de la République Romaine
Ibérique, Mithridatique, Hannibalique et Libyca - APULEIUS (ca. 125 – 170 AD) : L’âne d’or or les Métamorphoses
- Pseudo-ARISTOTLE (384 – 322 BC) : Mechanica, Mechanical problems
- ARRIAN of NICOMEDIA (86 – ca. 160 AD) & Pseudo-ARRIAN (6th c. AD) :
Expéditions d’Alexandre (Anabase)
Périple de la Mer Noire
Périple de l’Océan Indien et de la Mer Noire
Indica - Aelius ARISTIDES (117 – 181 AD): Discours sacrés
- ATHENAEUS of NAUCRATIS (ca. 200 AD) : Deipnosophistes or Le Banquet des Savants
- AUSONIUS (310 – 395 AD) : Ordo Urbium
- AVIENUS (4th c. AD) : Les Régions Maritimes (Ora Maritima)
- CASSIODORUS (485 – 580 AD) : De l’Âme
- Julius CAESAR (100 – 44 BC) :
La Guerre Civile
La Guerre des Gaules
La Guerre d’Alexandrie
La Guerre d’Alexandrie - CHAEREMON of ALEXANDRIA (ca. 85 AD)
Livre de Phtomyris ou Critiques des Aigyptiaka - CICERO (106 – 43 BC) :
Letters to Atticus
Lettres à Tiron
Actions contre Verrès
Second discours sur la loi agraire, contre Rullus - COSMAS INDICOPLEUSTES (6th c. AD)
Christian Topography - Quintus CURTIUS (1st c. AD) : Histoires
- DEMOSTHENES (384 – 322 BC) :
Apollodore contre Polyclès
Androclès contre Lacrite
Ctesippos contre Leptine
Euthyclès contre Aristocrate - MARCUS DIACONUS, Mark the Deacon (ca 400 AD) : Life of Saint Porphyrius
- DENYS of HALICARNASSUS (ca. 60 BC. – 8 AD) : Antiquités Romaines
- DENYS CALLIPHONTIS FILIUS (1st century BC?) : Description de la Grèce
- DENYS PERIEGETES of ALEXANDRIA (2nd c. AD) : La Périégèse
- DIODORUS of SICILY (1st c. BC) : Histoire Universelle
- DIOGENIANUS (ca. 120 – 140 AD) : Proverbes
- DIO CASSIUS (ca. 155 – 235 AD) : Histoire Romaine
- ESOPE – AESOPOS (env. 620 – 564 BC) : Fables
- EUSEBIUS of CAESAREA (265 – 339 AD) : Onomasticon
- Valerius FLACCUS (around 90 AD) : Les Argonautiques en Méditerranée et Mer Noire
- Josephus FLAVIUS (37 – 100 AD) :
Guerre des Juifs
Antiquités Judaïques
Vie - FLORUS (env. 70 – 140 AD) : Histoire Romaine
- FRONTINUS (40 – 103 AD) : Stratagèmes
- HERODOTUS (ca. 485 – 425 BC) : Histoire
- HESIOD (8th c. BC) : Travaux
- HOMER (8th – 7th c. BC) :
Odyssée - HORACE (65 – 8 BC) :
Epodes - ISOCRATE (436 – 338 BC) : Panégyrique d’Athènes
- ISIDORE of SEVILLE (ca 565 – 636 AD): Etymologies
- JUVENAL (ca. 50 – 128 AD) : Satires
- LUCAN (39 – 65 AD) : La Pharsale
- LUCIAN of SAMOSATA (ca. 125 – 180 AD) :
Alexander the False Prophet
Navigium: Le Navire ou Les Souhaits - MARCIAN of HERACLEA (5th c. AD) : Periplus Maris Exteri
- Pomponius MELA (1st c. AD) : Géographie
- Cornelius NEPOS (100 – 25 BC) : Vie des Grands Hommes
- OPPIAN of ANAZARBUS (2nd c. AD) : Les Halieutiques
- OVID (43 BC – 17 AD) :
Les Métamorphoses
Les Tristes
Les Fastes - PAULIN of PELLA (ca. 376 – 460 AD) : Eucharisticos
- PAUSANIAS (115 – 180 AD) : Description de la Grèce
- PHILO of ALEXANDRIA (12 BC – 54 AD) :
In Flaccum
Legatio ad Caium - PHILO of BYZANTION (ca. 280 – 220 BC) : Traité de Mecanique
- PHILOCHOROS of ATHENS (340 – 261 BC) : Atthis
- PHILOSTRATUS of ATHENS (ca. 170 – 245 AD) :
Vie d’Apollonios de Tyane - PLATO (427 – 348 BC) :
Phédon - PLINY the ELDER (23 – 79 AD) : Histoire Naturelle
- PLINY the YOUNGER (61 – 114 AD) :
Panégyrique de Trajan
Lettres - PLUTARCH (46 – 125 AD) : Vies des Hommes Illustres
- POLYBIUS (ca. 210 – 126 BC) : Histoire Générale
- POLYAENUS (2nd c. AD) : Ruses de guerre – Stratagèmes
- POSEIDIPPOS of PELLA (310 – 240 BC) : Epigrammes
- PROCOPIUS of CAESAREA (ca. 500 – 560 AD):
Histoire des guerres de Justinien
Des Edifices
Panegyricus in Imperatorem Anastasium - Claudius PTOLEMY of ALEXANDRIA (85 – 165 AD) : Géographie
- RUTILIUS NAMATIANUS (5th c. AD) : Retour à Rome (De reditu suo)
- Pseudo-SCYLAX (around 330 BC, NB: The “real” Scylax of Caryanda performed a periplus around the Persian empire around 515 BC. His text was lost but is mentioned by Herodotus.) : Périple en Europe, Asie et Libye
- Pseudo-SCYMNOS (2nd c. BC) : Orbis Descriptio (Circuit de la terre ou Periodos)
- SENECA (4 BC – 65 AD) : 124 Lettres à Lucilius
- Sulpicius SEVERUS (ca. 363 – 425 AD) : GALLUS – Dialogues sur les vertus de Saint Martin
- SILIUS ITALICUS (26 – 101 AD) : Punica
- SOLINUS (3rd c. AD) : Polyhistor
- STATIUS (ca. 40 – 96 AD) : Les Silves
- STEPHANUS BYZANTINUS (6th c. AD): Ethnica, De Urbibus et Populis (Epitome of Hermolaus)
- STRABO (ca. 65 BC – 25 AD) : Géographie
- SUETONIUS (ca. 70 – 130 AD) : La Vie des Douze Césars
- SYNESIUS of CYRENE (370 – 414 AD) : Lettres
- TACITUS (55 – 120 AD) :
Annales - Aenius TACTICUS (4th c. BC) : La défense des palces
- Achilles TATIUS (ca. 200 AD) (said of Alexandria) : Amours de Clitophon et de Leucippe
- THEOCRITUS (ca. 315 – 250 BC) : Idylles
- THEOPHRASTUS 372 – 288 BC) : Les caractères
- THUCYDIDES (ca. 469 – 400 BC) : Histoire de la Guerre du Péloponnèse
- TITUS LIVIUS (59 BC – 17 AD) : Histoire Romaine
- Marcus Terentius VARRO (116 – 27 BC) : De la langue latine
- VEGETIUS (around 400 AD) : Traité de l’Art Militaire
- VELLEIUS PATERCULUS (19 BC – 31 AD) : Histoire Romaine
- VIRGIL – VERGILIUS (70 – 19 BC) :
Géorgiques - VITRUVIUS (ca. 90 – 20 BC) : De Architectura
- XENOPHON (430 – 355 BC) :
Helléniques (Histoire grecque)
Anabase (Retraite des dix mille) - XENOPHON of EPHESUS (2nd or 3rd c. AD) : Ephesian Tale
- ZOSIMOS (ca.460 – 520 AD): Histoire Nouvelle