Modern Authors on Ancient Ports

The references are listed as ancient authors and as modern authors.

Karl Lehmann-Hartleben’s “Katalog” is most interesting and mentioned very often, but it may be said that positioning of his ports is not all that clear: I therefore decided to find the precise position of all his 303 ports. The 183 ports of Nicolas Carayon are easier to find as he uses modern place names. The 1055 sites of Nic Flemming are located by latitude-longitude: what else could I wish… except an atlas like the Barrington Atlas!

    • ARNAUD, P. (2005) “Les routes de la navigation antique “, éd. Errance, (248 p).
    • ARNAUD, P. (2017a) “Les infrastructures portuaires antiques”, in The Sea in History: The Ancient World – La Mer dans l’Histoire: L’Antiquité, Edited by Pascal Arnaud and Philip de Souza, General editor Christian Buchet, Woodbridge, The Boydell Press, (p. 224-242).
    • ARNAUD, P. (2017b) “Playing dominoes with Stadiasmus Maris Magni, Syria”, in Space, Landscapes and Settlements in Byzantium, Presented by Johannes Koder, Novi Sad, Vienna, (p. 15-49).
    • BARRINGTON ATLAS of the Greek and Roman World, Richard J.A. Talbert (ed.), (2000), Princeton University Press, (270 p).
    • BLACKMAN, D. (1982) “Ancient harbours in the Mediterranean”, International Journal of Nautical Archaeology and Underwater Exploration, 11.2 (p 79-104) and 11.3, (p 185-211).
    • BLACKMAN, D. & RANKOV, B. et al. (2013) “Shipsheds of the Ancient Mediterranean”, Cambridge University Press, (617 p).
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    • DE LA PENA, J., et al. (1994) “Mediterranean Ports in Ancient Times”, PIANC Bulletin, 83/84, (p 227-237); and personal communication.
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    • SANCHEZ, C. & JEZEGOU, M-P. (2011) “Zones portuaires et espaces littoraux de Narbonne et sa région dans l’Antiquité”, Monographie d’Archéologie Méditerranéenne, 28, (283 p).
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