Ancient Ports in Egypt & Libya

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Ancient port mentioned by ancient author(s)

Ancient port mentioned by modern author(s) only

Potential ancient harbour, from a nautical point of view

NB Ancient name Modern name
3868 Bethaphou, Boutaphion, near Bitylion, Bittylios, Bytl, Betilium, Ienysos? Tell Temilat & Tell el-Sheikh, & Tell Abu Salima, near Sheikh Zuweid
3868.1 Fort on the “Ways of Horus” Haruba, Haruvit, near el-Kharruba
3868.2 Rinokoloura, Rhinocolura, Ariza? Phakidia & Laura located in this area? el-Arish, on R wadi al-Arish
3868.3 Ostrakine, Ostracena, near Serbonitis Limen, Sirbonis Limen Isle of el-Felusiyat on Lake el-Bardawil
3868.4 Fort on the “Ways of Horus” Bir el-Abd
3869 Kasion, Casius Mons, on ancient “Via Maris” on top of this sand barrier Ras Qasrun, Khatib el-Qals, el-Qels
3869.1 Pentaschoinon, Pentascino on the road between Gerra and Kasion
3869.2 Aphnaion, Aphthites? Aphthaia? unlocated between Gerra and Pentaschoinon
3870 Gerra, Geros, Geras, Skenai also located in this area Tell Mahmudiyeh, Mahammediya, near Pelusion
3870.1 Chabriou Charax, Chabrias, Castra Alexandri also located in this area on the road between Pelusion and Gerra
3871 R Nile, R Aegyptus, navigable between Lake Mareotis and the first cataract (Elephantine island near Assouan) with many ports, among which Coptos (Qift) which was the connection to/from the Red Sea. The Nile Delta contains hundreds of archaeological sites on “tells” and “koms” which have been listed elsewhere (see We mention here the most important sites which are located on the main branches of the Nile and may have offered harbour facilities accessible to sea-ships.
3872 Pelusion, Pelusium, Peluse, Sena, Seyan, Saien, Sin, Per-Amun, Paramoun, Peleos? Ptolemais in Pelusion & Lychnos & Thylax also in this area? Tell el-Farama
3873   Tell el-Louly
3874 Saite Migdol, Jeremiah’s Migdol, on Pelusiac Nile branch Tell Kedua, Kedwa, Qedua, Oren’s T-21
3874.1   Tell Ghaba
3875 Persian Migdol, Greco-Roman Magdolos, on the “Ways of Horus” Tell el-Herr, el-Heir
3875.1 On the “Ways of Horus” Tell Abyad, Ebedah, Oren’s T-116
3875.2 Seti I’s Migdol, Biblical Migdol? Pi-Hahiroth? Baal Zephon? on the “Ways of Horus”, Rameses III’s famous Nile Delta Battle (1178 BC) possibly in this area Oren’s T-211, near his T-78?
3876 Dwelling of the Lion? Tell el-Borg, el-Burdj
3877 archaic Tjaru “west”, Tcharou, Zaru, Tharu, on Pelusiac Nile branch, starting point of the “Ways of Horus” to Gaza Tell Heboua (I), Habua, Habwa, massive New Kingdom twin-fort
3877.1 archaic Tjaru “east”, Tcharou, Zaru, Tharu, on Pelusiac Nile branch, starting point of the “Ways of Horus” to Gaza Tell Heboua (II), Habua, Habwa, massive New Kingdom twin-fort
3878 Sile, Silu, Sele, nea-Tcharou, on Pelusiac Nile branch Tell Abu Seifa, Abou Seify, near Qantara
3879 Daphnae, Daphnes de Peluse, Biblical Tahpanhes, on Pelusiac Nile branch, Startopeda in this area? Tell Defenneh, Defenna, Tahpanhes
3880 Herakleopolis Mikra, Heracleus, Sethroe Tell Belim
3881 Hephaistos, Efestus Sanhur
3882   Minshat Abu Omar
3883 Imet, Senou? on Pelusiac Nile branch Tell Nebesha, Farun
3884 Archaic Egyptian Ra-Hat, Ro-hat? Tell Ibrahim Awad
3885 Pi-Ramesses, Pi-Ramses, Piramesse, Biblical Raamses, Rameses, with port near main palace, on Pelusiac Nile branch Qantir, port is north of village, famous stables are south
3886 Avaris, Hutwaret, Rowaty, archaic capital city of the Hyksos ; renamed Peru-nefer as from 1550 BC and hosting the naval base of Thoutmosis III and Amenhotep II, on Pelusiac Nile branch Tell el-Dab’a
3887 Phakoussai, Phakoussa, Phacussa, Phaguse, on Pelusiac Nile branch Faqus? Snape (2014) places it at Saft el-Henna
3888 Bekhnu? Dekyt? Tukh el-Qaramus
3889 Isieion? on Pelusiac Nile branch Tell Mufta
3890 Pi Sopdu, Per Soped, Saphthis, on Pelusiac Nile branch Saft el-Henneh, Hinna
3890.1 Thou? Tell al-Shaqafiyah, on wadi Tumilat, near Ismailia Canal
3891 Pithom, Per Atum, Pitoum, Patumos, Biblical Pithom? in the archaic Tjekou valley, Biblical Succoth district? Tell el-Retabeh, Retabah, Rotaba, Ras al-Wadi, Tell el-Kebir, on Wadi Tumilat, near Ismailia Canal
3892 Heroonpolis, Heropolis, Eropolis, City of Heroes, on the Canal of Necho II, Darius I and Ptolemy II, in the archaic Tjekou valley, Biblical Succoth district? Tell el-Maskhuta, on wadi Tumilat, near Ismailia Canal, 1 st stela of Darius on Nile to Red Sea canal
3892.1 Thaubasion, Thaubastum Abu Atwa? fortress possibly in this area (within 5-10 km?)
3892.2 Serapeion, on Lake Scorpio Serapium, Sarabiyum, 2nd stela of Darius on Nile to Red Sea canal (lost), near Lake Timsah
3892.3 Biblical Etham? Daneon Portus? Port of the Danei?  Deversoir? on Nile to Red Sea canal, near Difarsuwar air base, with 145×45 m fortress (destroyed?)
3892.4 Arsinoe? Cleopatris? near Lakes Kemwer, Kemour? Mahattat al Kibrit, Kabret, between both Bitter Lakes, 3rd stela of Darius on Nile to Red Sea canal found 3 km south, near Chalouf, Shaluf, Ptolemy locates Arsinoe at 20′ of latitude north of Clysma
3892.5   Koubri, 4th stela of Darius (Xerxes) on Nile to Red Sea canal
3893 Leontopolis South, Ioudaion Stratopedon, Jewish camp, on Boubastic Nile branch Tell el-Yahudiya, Mount of the Jews
3893.1 Helioupolis, Helius, Solis, Berenikes Hormos? Matariya (North Cairo), Heliopolis
3894 Thennesos, on Tanitic Nile branch Tell Tinnis
3895 Tanis, Djanet, archaic D’nt, Sa’nu, Biblical Tsoan, Zoan, on the Tanitic Nile branch Tell San el-Hagar
3895.1   Tell el-Farkha, near Ghazalah
3896 Pharbaitos, Pharbaethos, Sheten, Setennu, on Tanitic Nile branch Horbeit
3897 Boubastis, Bubastis, archaic Pi Ubaste, Pi-Beset, Per Bastet, on Boubastic Nile branch Tell Basta, near Zagazig
3898 Panephysis, Mendesion Keras? on the Mendesian Nile branch el-Manzala
3899 Phernouphis, archaic Ro-Nefer Barnufa, near Tell Tebillah
3900 Mendes, archaic Per-banebdjedet, Djedet, archaic ‘npt, Anpet, on the Mendesian Nile branch Tell el-Ruba
3901 Thmouis, on the Mendesian Nile branch Tell Timaï
3902 Leontopolis North, archaic Taremu, near Sebennytic Nile branch Tell el-Moqdam
3903 Tamiathis, on Bousiric Nile branch Damietta, Dumiat
3903.1   Kom el-Dahab
3903.2 Diospolis Inferior, Pollamonis? archaic Paiuenamon, Sma Behdet Tell el-Balamun
3903.3 Hermopolis Tell el-Naqus, Baklia, Mansourah
3904 Paralios, Paralus, Paralia, on Paralios Limne, on Sebennytic Nile branch Near Baltim, on Lake Burullus
3904.1 Isiospolis, Iscopolis, Istopolis, Isieion, archaic Per Hebite Behbeit el-Hagar
3905 Sebennytos, archaic Tjebnetjer, on Sebennytic Nile branch Samanud
3906 Bousiris, Kynopolis, on Sebennytic Nile branch Abusir
3907 Natho, on Sebennytic Nile branch Sahgrat el-Kubra
3907.1 Mesedet Tell Mostai, Tell Umm Harb
3908 Athribis, archaic Hut-heri-ib, related to Kemwer, Kemour, on Sebennytic Nile branch Tell el-Atrib, near Benha
3908.1 Pachnemounis Kom el-Khanziri
3909 Bouto, Buto, archaic Dep & Pe, Per-wadjet Tell Fara’un, near Ibtu
3909.1   Roman fort at Kom el-Gir
3909.2 Cabasa, Kabasa, on Thermouthiac Nile branch Shabas el-Shuhada
3910 Xoïs Sakha, Djeqapir
3911 Saïs, archaic Sau, Sin, on Thermouthiac Nile branch Sa el-Hagar
3912 Tawa, Taua, Taya Tantah
3913 Onouphis Ano Mahallat Manuf, Menuf
3914 Bolbitine, Perseos Skope & Milesian Wall? on Bolbitine Nile branch Tell Abu Mandour, Kom el-Farah, Burj Rashid, Rosetta
3915 Kanope insula Nelson’s island, Dissouky island, near Aboukir, Abu Qir
3915.1 Thonis is the Egyptian name of Heracleion Submerged city in the bay of Abu Qir
3915.2 Heracleion is the Greek name of Thonis Submerged city in the bay of Abu Qir
3915.3 Famous Serapeion East Canopus, submerged temple in the bay of Abu Qir
3915.4 Menouthis? Submerged city in the bay of Abu Qir
3915.5 Canopos, Canopus, Canobus, Kanobos, archaic Pikuat Abou Kir promontory, with silted-up fish tank
3915.6 Canopos, Canopus, Canobus, Kanobos, archaic Pikuat Near Tabyet al-Taufiqiya, Toufiqiyeh, Tewfikieh, with 4 fish tanks on the coastline
3916 Schedia, Chaireon, Chersaion, on Alexandria canal, Menelas canal & Canopic Nile branch Kom el-Giza, al Karyun, Karioun
3916.1   Kom Difshu
3916.2 Metelis? on Kanopike Limne, near Canopic Nile branch Tell Bisintawy, tell el-Nigili, on former Lake Edku, Idku
3917 Hermopolis Mikra, Dimin-Herou, on Canopic Nile branch Damanhur
3917.1 Hierakonpolis, Hieraconpolis, on Canopic Nile branch Nekhen, near Damanhur
3918 Naukratis, Naucratis, Pi-emroye, Per-Meryt, on Canopic Nile branch Kom Gajef, Kom el-Gaïef
3918.1 Momemphis, archaic Imaw Kom el-Hisn
3919 Terenouthis Tell Abou Billo
3919.1 Nikiou Zawiyet Razin, Kom Manous
3920 Prosopitis insula unlocated, possibly near Al Qanatir Al Khayriyyah
3920.1 Letopolis, Letus, archaic Khem Ausim
3921 Kerkasoros, Kerkesura, Cercasorum Cairo, Imbaba, Embabeh
3921.1 Babylon, Stratonicidi, Kheraha Cairo, at Hanging Church
3922 Port of King Khufu, Cheops Giza, Gizeh, Heit el-Ghurab, Zaghloul Street
3922.1 Rosetjau, Port of King Khafre, Khefren Giza, Gizeh, in front of the Sphinx temple
3923   Maadi, on wadi Degla
3924 Royu, Troyu, Troikon Oros Quarry at Tura, Tora, Tourah North
3925   Quarry at Tura, Tora, Tourah South
3926 Memphis, archaic Inebu-hedj, Aneb-Hedj or White-walls, Djed-Sut, Ankh-Tawy, Men-nefer, Menfe, Noph Kom Tuman
3927 Peru-nefer, port of Memphis, Tyrian camp Mit Rahina, Kom el-Qala
3928 Per-Irer, Perire, famous battle against Sea Peoples won by Merneptah in 1208 BC Somewhere in the Wadi El Natrun area
3928.1 Psenemphaia, Theroge, south end of ancient Mareotis lake Kom el-Truga SE of Alexandria
3929   Quarry & fish tank at Montazah island
3930 Taposiris Mikra, Chersonesus Parva El-Mandara, south of Montazah prom.
3931   Gezireh Gabr el-Khour, Miami island, in front of Bir Masaoud Prom. at Sidi Bishr
3932 Iuliopolis, Nikopolis, Parembole? Sidi Gabir, Gaber, Sporting
3932.1   Ibrahimieh 4, Ibrahimyah, large quarry
3932.2   Ibrahimieh 3, Ibrahimyah, anchorage area
3933 Rhacotis, Rhacotes, Rakhotis, Egyptian Rahete Alexandria
3934 Alexandria, Megas Limen, Portus Magnus and its Pharos, home port of Classis Alexandrina fleet Alexandria, also called « Le Phare », The Pharos, includes several now submerged ports, it also includes a drydock (acc. to Athenaeus)
3934.1 Alexandria, Megas Limen, Portus Magnus Royal port near Palace
3934.2 Alexandria, Megas Limen, Portus Magnus Naval base
3934.3 Alexandria, Megas Limen, Portus Magnus, Port of the Emporion, Neapolis? Commercial port
3934.4 Alexandria, Megas Limen, Portus Magnus, Antirhodos royal port Antirhodos royal port incl. a pre-Hellenistic jetty (Rhacotis??)
3934.5 Alexandria, Megas Limen, Portus Magnus, Port of the Caesarium Commercial port
3934.6 Alexandria, Megas Limen, Portus Magnus, Navalia western ports and shipyards
3934.7 Alexandria, Megas Limen, Portus Magnus, Roman port North-west port, near Qait Bey fortress
3935 Alexandria, archaic port of the isle of Pharos Ras el-Teen, Ras el-Tin, before the heptastadion was built, this was an island quite similar to Tyre, many submerged structures are described by Jondet
3936 Eunostos Dekhela, Dikheila: Alexandria West
3937 Kibotos, connected to Mareoticus lake by a canal Harbour basin inside the Port of Eunostos, Strabo, 17, 1 mentions a closable dug basin
3938 Portus Mareoticus, Mareotis, connected to Kibotos and to Schedia by canals Mariout lake-port
3938.1   Mariout lake-port connected to sea by el-Mexx canal
3939 Chersonesos Mikra, Bendideum, Bendis, Bendidee? Cape Agami, el-Marabit, with large breakwater 230 m offshore of the modern one
3940 Small port discovered in 1909 2 km SSE of cape Agami, north of ancient quarries at el-Mexx, al-Max, near Dikheila
3941 Myrmex? Didymos insulae? Dusmai, Dysmaï?  Geziret Kunaiyisa & former Geziret el-Marabit now connected to mainland, where Stadiasmus mentions a “harbour for ships smaller than 7000 [artaba]”
3941.1 On western Lake Mareotis Ancient quarry
3942 Marea, Mareia, Philoxenite, on western Lake Mareotis Qaryat Shakush, near Huwariya, with ancient lighthouse
3943 Nikiou Kome, on western Lake Mareotis “Box-shaped harbour”?
3943.1 On western Lake Mareotis Ancient settlement
3944 Plinthinos, Plinthine, on western Lake Mareotis Kom el-Nogous, near Burg el-Arab, Hellenistic canal-port probably located east of Taposiris’ east jetty
3945 Taposiris Megale, Taposiris Magna, Posirion, east jetty on western Lake Mareotis Abusir, near Burg el-Arab, Roman canal-port located between east jetty near Plinthine and ancient west bridge over canal
3945.1 Taposiris Megale, Taposiris Magna, west bridge on western Lake Mareotis Abusir, near Burg el-Arab, Roman canal-port located between east jetty near Plinthine and ancient west bridge over canal
3945.2 On western Lake Mareotis Roman villa at Borg el-Arab
3946 Cheimo, Chi Kome, Kynos, Cynossema el-Kimo, about 30 km east of el-Alamein
3947 Glaucum, Glaukos el-Imayid, about 15 km east of el-Alamein
3948 Leucaspis, Antiphrai, Antipharis Marina el-Alamein
3949 Derris, Derras, Derrhon Dresieh, Drasia, at northern end of Marina el-Alamein
3950 Komaron, Comaru Ras Gibeisa, at Sidi Abd el-Rahman
3951 Zephyrium Prom. near Ras el-Daba
3952 Pedonia, Pezone, behind Myrmex insulae, Sidonia insula Mersa Abu Samra, behind Sambra Reef
3953 Trakhea, Tracheia Prom. Abou Jerab near Galaj
3954 Pnigeus Akroterion, Pnigeo Prom. Ras al-Gharqan, Ras Gregrien, Caesar Beach
3955 Phoenicus, Phoinikous, Phoenicunte, Katabathmos Micra? Catabathmus Minor? Geziret al-Khunfus, el-Homfis reefs, near Abu Haggag
3956 Hermaeis, Ermea Prom. near Ras el-Kanayis
3957 Leuce, Leuke Akte Ras el-Kanayis, Ras Kanaïs, Ras el-Hekma
3957.1 Leuce, Leuke Akte, commercial port Ras el-Kanayis, Ras Kanaïs, Ras el-Hekma
3958 Zygris, Zygis Marsa Bagush, Baqqush, near Disney Beach
3959 Laodanuntium, Ladamantia Ras Abu Hashafa, near Geziret Bakshuba, El Abd Resort Sidi Heneish
3960 Kalamaios, Kallias Prom., Calamaeo Ras Hawala, Almaza Beach Resort
3961 Graias Gony, Graeasgoni seu Vetulae portus Marsa Berek, Kom Nadoura
3962 Paretonius, Paraetonium, Ammonia, Amunia, west of Artos Akra, Pythis Prom., in the land of the Tehenu people Marsa Matrouh, Matruh, Bates’ island, Geziret el-Yehudiyeh, west of Ras Allem Rum, Alam el-Rum
3963 Delphinai & Zephyris insulae Umm el-Rakham reefs, 15 km west of Marsa Matrouh
3964 Apis, Nautis major Ramses II fortress, at Zawiyet Umm el-Rakham
3965 Ainesippa insulae, Nesoi, Ampelos? Near Drepanum Prom. islets near Ras Abu Laho, Ras Bulaou
3966 Linydai, Linuda, Linus, Selinous, Selenis, Selenide Marsa el-Asi, Aasi
3967 Azy, Zagilis Kome, Zagilis Marsa Angella
3968 Tyndareioi skopeloi, Dareiou, Darieos, Tauris islets Geziret Ishailah islet and reefs
3969 Chautaeon, Chettaia Ras Gargub, Marsa Jarjub
3970 Zygrai, Zygris Kome? Marsa Hasy Ibrahim? near Zawyet Shammas
3971 Ainesisphyra, Aenesiphyra, Ennesyphora, Nisisphyra, Nesus Ras el-Seyada?
3972 Katabathmos Megas, Catabathmus Maior, Plunos, Plynos, Plynus, Tetrapyrgia (fort), Panorme? Sallum, Sailloune, Solloum
3973 Panorme This name would fit the large shelter at Sallum?
3974 Ficu, Syke Marsa Ramlah?
3975 Eureia Marsa Murayghah?
3976 Petras Megale, Petreuon, Petrante Bardia
3977 Kardamis, Ardanis Prom., Ardanaxes Marsa al-Muraysah, el-Mreisa, el-Mihr, el-Malh
3978 Menelaos Limen, Menelaüs, Menelas Ras el-Awrah?
3979 Kataionion Prom., Katanis, Catanis, Cateneai Ras Wannah, Uenna
3980   Marsa Gabes, Marsa Sahl
3981 Scythranios Limen, Kyrthanion, Pyrthmanion Marsa el-Afarid, Bu al-Ilfrit, about 30 km east of Tobrouk: sandy creeks
3982   el-Gara, al-Qa’arah
3983 Antipyrgos Limen Tobrouk
3984 Miceris near Zawiyat al-Murassas
3985 Petras Parna, Petrante Parvo, Petras Minor, Mikros Petreuon, Small port of Petrante Marsa Tarfaia, near Ain al-Ulaymah
3986   Allem Dauhr
3987 Batrachus Wadi ed Sedd
3988 Stadaia, Aedonia, Sidonia insula Geziret el-Marakeb, al-Ulbah, Seal island
3989 Paliouros, Paliuris, Paniuros, Palinurus At Tamimi
3990 Platea insula, Platee island now connected to the continent, south of Bombah
3991 Phthia Limen, Phaia Bay of Bombah
3992 Dionysos near Zawiyat Umm Hufayn
3993 Chersonesos Megala, Cherronesos Prom., Antichides-Chersonese Ras et-Tin, Atteen
3994 Aziris, Nazaris, Azarion, Azari, Azilis Kome, Azirides, archaic Auza? with R Potamos Megas Marsa el-Chalig at outlet of wadi al-Khaleej, other possible location: Marsa al-Chabda at outlet of wadi Hamsa
3995 Darnis, Dardanis, Zarine? Derna
3995.1   Aleut Berruman, at outlet of wadi bu Msafer, possible Bronze Age anchorage?
3996 Zephyrion Prom. Ras Bu Meddad, Emilia resort, 8 km west of Derna
3997 Chersis, Xherson, Aphrodisias insula, Lea Veneris? Geziret Kirissah, el-Kerchi, Kersa, Chersa islets 15 km NW of Derna
3998 Erythron, Erythre Wadi al-Athrun, el-Atrun, Latrun
3999 Naustathamos Limen, Naustathmum Ras al-Hilal, Ahlal, “old Roman jetty” mentioned on Br. Adm. Chart 3355 (1960)
4000 Apollonia, Sozousa, port of Cyrene, part of Pentapolis, Kyrene, naval base Susah, Soussa
4000.1 Apollonia, Sozousa, port of Cyrene, Kyrene, part of Pentapolis, commercial harbour Susah, Soussa, with ancient lighthouse
4001   Martin’s island
4001.1   Brak Nota
4001.2 Phykous Akron, Phycus Prom. Ras Aamer, on wadi el-Mamloh, Mamluah, with fish processing factory
4002 Phykous, Phycus, Phycunte, Phoinikous El-Hamamah, with many fish ponds and where submerged remains have been reported
4003 Aptouchou Hieron, Aptoucha al-Haniya, Hanieh, with 2 canals on the western rocks, and fish processing factory on the eastern islet
4004   Roman villa at Gasr el-Hammam
4005 Nausida, Nausis, Ausigda Zenerdis? Gasr Disa, near outlet of wadi el-Cuf, Kahuff, Giargiarummah
4006 Kainopolis, Cenopolis Maatin el-Agla, Maaten al-Uqla, el-Ougla
4007 Ptolemais, port of Barke, Barca, part of Pentapolis Tolmeita, Tulmaythah, port of al-Marj, near wadi Omran
4007.1 Ptolemais, port of Barke, Barca, archaic landing place Tolmeita, Tulmaythah, port of al-Marj
4008   Roman villa
4009   Roman villa at el-Bent
4010 Teucheira, Tauchira, Arsinoe, part of Pentapolis Taukra, Tocra
4011   Roman villa
4012   Bersis
4013   Tansoluch
4014 Hadrianopolis, Kaukalou Kome? Daryanah, Driana
4015 R Lathon, Leton? Ain Zeina, near Kuwayfiyah
4016 Argoos, Arghous, near Tritonis Palus, Lake Triton, near Berenike Arghous, near Benghazi
4017 Euesperides, Hesperidae, Hesperides, on R Encheleios, Ecceios west of Maqbarah Sayidi Abid, Jabbanat Sidi Ubayd cemetery, Benghazi
4017.1 Berenike, Berenice, part of Pentapolis, near Brachea Prom.? Sidi Khrebish, Benghazi, on wadi Qattara
4018 Rhinia, Rhinon ? 10-15 km SW of Benghazi
4019 Pithos ? 10-15 km SW of Benghazi
4020 Theotimaion ? 10-15 km SW of Benghazi
4021 Halis, Halai (saltpans) ? 10-15 km SW of Benghazi
4022 Boreion, Boreum Prom. Ras Teyonas, Taiunes, Tawinis, 20 km SW of Benghazi
4022.1   Gasr el-Arid, 22 km SW of Benghazi
4023 Cherse, Chersis, Diachersis Sidi Bu Fachra, Fakhirah, near Qaryat Abu Al Ahnash
4024 Serapeion, Sarbioun Gasr Mushayli, Msceili, Schmeili
4025 Amastoros Bu Sceriba?
4026 Heracleion Prom., Herakleioi Thines, Herakleous Pyrgos Ras Kurkurah, Carcura
4027 Drepanon Carcura bay
4028 Diarhoas, Diarroia Limen, Apis Shelter provided by offshore Elfie rock and islets, near Sultan
4029   Roman villa at Gasr en Nfeil
4030 Attici Phenica at Zuetina, Zuwetina?
4031 Kainos, Cainon, Caeno Zuetina, Zuwetina
4032 Euschoinos modern oil terminal at Ajdabiya
4033 Hyphaloi insula Tre Scogli in front of modern oil terminal at Ajdabiya
4034 Scopelo, Skopelites, Mysinos insula Scoglio Gemmarish?
4035 Maea, Maia, Gaia insula Isola Hebri, Gharah island?
4036 Pontia insula Hericha reef?
4037 Astrochonda, Astrochona 30 km NE of New Brega?
4038 Tincausari Mahariqa island?
4039 Corcodeilos, Krokodeilos, Crocodilo 11 km NE of New Brega?
4040 Boreion, Boreum, Borio, Drepanon Prom.? Bu Grada, near New Brega
4041 Antidrepano Prom. Ras el-Magdar
4042 Mendrios Brega east
4043 Kozynthion Marsa Brega, with Roman villa at Gasr el-Brega
4044 Tiniodiri about 10 km SW of Brega
4045 Ammoniou Pegai, Ammonii fontibus near Qariat Bashir?
4046 Automalax, Automalakes, Euteletos? Ras Bu Sceefa
4047 Anabucis, Abucis praesidium Roman fortlet
4048 Arae Philaenorum Prom., Philainon Bomoi, Philainos Kome, Autel des Philenes, Banadedari Ras al-A’ali, border between Cyrenaica and Africa, near fort of Bir Umm el-Garanigh
4049 Tugulus about 11 km NW of the Ras Lanuf oil terminal
4050 Turris and Taberna As Sidr
4051 Hippou, Philippou Prom. Ras el-Ihudia, Yahudiyah?
4052 Zakazama Kome, Zagazama outlet of wadi Bin Jawad
4053 Aubereo, Ad Capsum Ultimum Sidi Beheri, about 20 km west of Bin Jawad
4054 Ad Palmam near Marsa al-Uwayja
4055 Tramaricio Bir Bu Saada?
4056 Aulazon Bir Usaylah, Red Valley
4057 Eperos, Esperis, Oisporis Kome Bir en-Naim? near the remains of Mintaqat Wadi Harawah
4058 Charax, Korax, Coarce, Pharax Kome, Iscina Medina Sultan
4059 Ad Speluncas about 10 km west of Sultan
4060 Zure about 20 km east of Syrte
4061   Several Roman villas near Jabiat Escout
4062 Pyrgos Euphranta, La Tour d’Euphrantas, Euphrantas’ Tower, Macomades Selorum Syrte, Sirte, Marsa Zaafran
4063 Putea Nigrorum Several Roman villas near Qbeba
4064 Dysopo, Astiagi, Stixgi Bir Bu Giarada, Bir al-Utaylah
4065 Praetorium? Several Roman villas about 60 km west of Syrte
4066 Aspis, Aspide, Ad Ficum Bwayrat al-Hasun, al-Hossuon, about 80 km west of Syrte
4067 Tarichaiai, Tarichiis Bu Retma? east of Misrata
4068 Makomala, Macomaca, Kaloumakouma el-Melfa, al-Malfa, east of Misrata
4069 Kephalai, Cephalis Prom., Trieron Prom? Thubactis, Tubactis Misrata, Misurata
4070   Marsa Gezirah near Misrata
4071 Simnana about 10 km west of Misrata
4072 Nivirgi Tabernae about 30 km west of Misrata
4073 Sugolin, Seggera Roman villa at Dar Buok Amaira, Zliten
4074 Kinyps, on R Cinyps Marsa at Tabiya, outlet of wadi Khaane, Kaam, Oukirre
4075   Roman villa, east of power plant
4076 Leptis Magna, Lepcis Magna, Lepcitani Septimiani, Hermaios, Hermaeum Prom.? Leptis Magna, Lepcis Magna, with ancient lighthouse, on wadi Lebda
4077 Leptis Magna, Lepcis Magna not “Magna” anymore
4078 Neapolis, Leptis, archaic Lpqy not yet “Magna”
4079 Hermaios, Hermaeum Prom.?archaic Auza? Roman villa at Homs
4080 Ad Palmam Villa Sileen, Silini, Celine, and many other Roman villas on the coast north of Homs
4081 Gaphara Limen, Graphara, Taphra, Aphora, Neospora Ras al-Hallab
4082 Amaraias, on R Oinoladon 10 km west of Gaphara, with wadi outlet
4083 Megerthis, Megradi villa Aniciorum 20 km west of Gaphara
4084   Several Roman villas near Kassala
4085 Oea, Eoa, Makar Oeat, Makaraia Tripoli
4086   Roman villa at Gargaresc
4087 Assaria al-Mayah near As Zaouiyah
4088 Sabratha, Sabratta, Sarathra, Abrotonon, Abrotone, Alathres Marsa Sabratah, central promontory
4089 Sabratha Sabratah, reef with settlement
4090 Sabratha Sabratah, submerged breakwater
4091 Sabratha Sabratah, quay
4092 Ad Ammonem Mellita, near oil terminal
4093 Locris, Locroi Zuwarah?
4094 Casas Zuara
4095 Gypasaria Taberna near the airport of Zuwarah
4096 Pisindon, Pisida Abu Kammash, 25 km from Tunisia