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Ancient port mentioned by ancient author(s)
Ancient port mentioned by modern author(s) only
Potential ancient harbour, from a nautical point of view
NB | Ancient name | Modern name |
2358 | Portus Stentoris | near Enez? |
2359 | Ainos, Annos, Enus, on R Hebrus, West of cape Pacheia, port of Hadrianopolis (Edirne) | Enez, on R Maritsa, Evros, Mariç, West of cape Kara Göl |
2359.1 | Ainos | Enez, possible NE harbour |
2359.2 | Ainos | Enez, possible west harbour |
2359.3 | Hoça Cesme neolithic settlement, near Enez | |
2360 | Kypsela, Cypsela, on R Hebrus | Ipsala, on R Maritsa, Evros, Mariç |
2360.1 | Mazabinasi | |
2360.2 | Magarisi | Ibrice Liman, south of Mecidiye |
2360.3 | Gökcetepe | |
2360.4 | Xeronisi | Saros adalari island |
2361 | Deris | near Kocacesme |
2362 | Cypasis, Kypasis | near Evrese |
2363 | Kobrys | near Kavakköy |
2364 | Kardia, Cardia, port of Lysimacheia | Baklaburnu, North of Bolayir |
2365 | Port of Ide | Güneyli liman |
2366 | Port of Paeon, Paion | Lej burnu |
2367 | Port of Araplos, Drabos | Ece Limani |
2368 | Port of Alopekonnesos | Küçük Kemikli burun |
2369 | Limnae, Limnai | Somewhere south of Lake Suvla, Tuz Gölü in Besyol plain, west of Büyükanafarta |
2370 | Imbros, on Imbros insula | Kaleköy, Yeni Bademliköy, on the island Gökceada, Imbros, Imvros |
2371 | Pyrgos, on Imbros insula | Yuvali, near Ugurlu Neolithic settlement, on the island Gökceada, Imbros, Imvros |
2372 | Elaious, Elaeus, Elea, Eleonte | Eski Hisarlik, near southern tip of Chersonese, Chersonesos |
2372.1 | Protesilaion, Protesilaos | Neolithic settlement at Karaagactepe |
2373 | Port of Kynossema, Cynossema | Kilitbahir |
2374 | Madytos, Maydos, Maitos | Eceabat, Maydos Kilisetepe |
2375 | Coelos, Coela, Koila | creek of Kilya, North of Eceabat |
2376 | Port of Sestos | Akbas liman |
2376.1 | Port of Sestos | Akbas burnu |
2377 | Beach of Aigospotamoi, Aegospotami, near outlet of R Aigospotamos, Aegospotamos | Beach of Cumaliköy? near outlet of R Cumalydere, R Baglar |
2378 | Kressa, Kissa, Cissa | near Kalanora? 1700 m east of Kaynarca Neolithic settlement, R Münip Bey Deresi |
2379 | Kallipolis, Callipolis | Gelibolu, at the northern entrance of the Dardanelles straits |
2380 | Krithote | Eski Fanar Burun? |
2381 | Pactya, port of Lysimacheia? Hexamilion? | Bolayir? |
2382 | Leuke Akte, Georgios | Kizilcaterzi, near Ince burun |
2383 | Tyrodiza, Tiristasis, Peristasis | Sarköy |
2384 | Harakleia, Heraclee, Neapolis | Eriklice, in the Sea of Marmara |
2385 | Myriophytum | Mürefte |
2385.1 | Chora | Hosköy |
2386 | Ganos, Serreion Teichos | Gaziköy |
2386.1 | Kumbaon, Chrysampelos | Kumbag |
2387 | Panion, Theodosiopolis | Barbaros, 10 km South of Tekirdag |
2388 | Bisanthe, Rhaedestos, Raidestos, Rodosto | Tekirdag |
2389 | Mocasura, Mokarsos | Degirmenalti |
2390 | Heraion Teichos | near Gazioglu |
2391 | Aerea | Aytepe, near Karaevli |
2392 | Ganiai, Gonia, port of Neon Teichos | Yeniciftlik, near Toptepe Neolithic settlement |
2393 | Perinthus, Perinthe, Heraklea | Marmara Eregli |
2394 | Palaia Herakleia | Gümüsyaka, Eski Eregli, near Sultanköy |
2394.1 | Daneion, Daminon Teichos | Kinaliköprü |
2395 | Selymbria, Eudoxiopolis | Silivri |
2395.1 | Epibatai | Selimpasa |
2396 | Callum, Oikonomeion | Kumburgaz |
2396.1 | Damokraneia | near Tepecik |
2396.2 | Episkopeia, near R Athyras | Ahmediye, near R Karasu |
2397 | Athyras | Büyükcekmece |
2397.1 | Angurina | Beylikdüzü, near Haramidere Neolithic settlement |
2398 | Bathonea, Bathys Rhyax? near R Bathynias | Great harbour, Avcilar, on Lake Kücükcekmece, with ancient lighthouse |
2398.1 | Bathonea, Bathys Rhyax? | Small harbour, Firuzköy, on Lake Kücükcekmece |
2398.2 | Melantias, Melentiana, on R Bathynias | 1.8 km south of Neolithic settlement at Yarımburgaz Magarasi cave, on R Sazlidere |
2399 | Rhegion | Kücükcekmece |
2400 | Dekaton, Phlorion | Yesilköy |
2401 | Henaton, Stephanos | Yesilköy |
2402 | Hebdomon, Ammoi, Magnaura Prom., with Jucundianae palace, Ioukoundianai, Sekoundianai, Secundiani | Imperial port at Bakirköy, near Ataköy Marina |
2403 | Strongylion, Kyklobion Prom., Round castle | Zeytinburnu |
2404 | Brachialion, Limen Chryses Pyles | West of Mermer Kule, near Golden Gate |
2404.1 | Polichnion? | East of Mermer Kule, near Golden Gate |
2405 | Byzantion, Byzance, Bosporus, Bosphore, Chrysoceras, Constantinopolis | Istanbul |
2406 | Byzantion, Constantinopolis: port of Theodosius, port of Kaisarios, port of Eleutherios, at ancient outlet of R Lykos, Lycos, Lycus | Yenikapi, discovered in 2004, with Neolithic settlement, at ancient outlet of R Bayrampasa which gradually silted-up the whole harbour |
2406.1 | Byzantion, Constantinopolis: port of Eleutherios? ancient quayside & breakwater | |
2407 | Byzantion, Constantinopolis: western part of the port of Sophia, with north-south separation wall and Iron Gate | Cakmaktasi Sk, Kumkapi district |
2408 | Byzantion, Constantinopolis: port of Julianus, port of Sophia, portus novus, megistos limen, turned into a naval shipyard called Kontoskalion, Kontoskelion, Condoscali, in the 13th c. | Kadirga Limani, west of the Church of the Saints Sergius and Bacchus, now Little Hagia Sophia Mosque |
2408.1 | Byzantion, Constantinopolis: port of Hormisdas | Near the Church of the Saints Sergius and Bacchus, now Little Hagia Sophia Mosque |
2409 | Byzantion, Constantinopolis: port of Bucoleon, Boukoleon | Bukoleon Sarayi, with port probably built by Justinian II in the 7th century, beneath the Palace of Bucoleon built with lighthouse by Theodosius II in the 5th century |
2409.1 | Byzantion, Constantinopolis: quay of Thermae Arcadiane | Near Ahirkap Feneri lighthouse |
2409.2 | Byzantion, Constantinopolis: Timasius scalae, scala Akropoleos? east of Bosporios Prom. | Near Saint Menas church formerly located in this area, with a 650 m chain installed in the 5th c. |
2410 | Byzantion, Constantinopolis: Portus Prosforianus, Prosphorianus, Prosphorion, Bosphorion, commercial port, with jetty for ferries to Chalkedon | Marmaray Sirkeci railway station, in the Golden Horn, east of Sarayburnu cape, with lighthouse on the SE corner of the Great Palace |
2411 | Byzantion, Constantinopolis: Neorion, Portus Neorii, Oria, naval base, with jetties for ferries to Sykai-Galata and to Chrysopolis-Scutari | At main Post Office, in the Golden Horn |
2411.1 | Byzantion, Constantinopolis: Heptaskalon, Seven skalai, scalae, Zeugma anchorage at Staurion, in Melias bay | Probably in Unkapani district, in the Golden Horn |
2411.2 | Byzantion, Constantinopolis: Kynegoi | Balatkapi, Fener district, in the Golden Horn |
2411.3 | Byzantion, Constantinopolis: Polyrrhetion, Batheia Skopia, Blachernai, naval shipyard, on R Sapra Thalassa | Ayvansaray district, in the Golden Horn |
2412 | Byzantion, Constantinopolis: Kosmidion, Cosmidion monastery | Eyüp, in the Golden Horn |
2413 | Pegai Krenides | Aynalikavak Kasri, in the Golden Horn |
2414 | Choiragria, Psychra hydata, Cold waters, near outlet of R Meizon | Tersane-i Amire, near R Kozluca Deresi, in the Golden Horn |
2414.1 | Galata, Pera, Sykai, Syki limena, Port du Figuier, Justinianae, Jucundianae? | near Galata Bridge, in the Golden Horn |
2415 | Metopon Prom. | Tophane, near Nusretiye mosque |
2416 | Pentekontorikon | Besiktas, Dolmabahce palace (underneath?) |
2417 | Diplokionion, Diplokion, Iasonion, Jasonium, Daphne, Saint Mamas Monastery, Nea Embolon | Besiktas, east of Dolmabahce palace, near Barbarossa’s tomb |
2418 | Rhodion Periboloi, Rhodakinion, port of the Rhodians | near Galatasaray university |
2419 | Archeion | Ortaköy |
2419.1 | Anaplous, Anaplus, Sergion | Kurucesme |
2420 | Hestiai port, Port d’Esties, Promotu, Promotou, Michaelion | Arnavutköy |
2420.1 | Hestiai Prom., Hearths, Mega Rheuma | Akinti Burnu |
2421 | Chelai, Babricum | Bebek |
2422 | Hermaion Prom., Phoneus, Phonema, Rhoodes, Roodes Prom. | Asiyan Point, south of Rumeli Hisari |
2423 | Laimokopia, Pyrrhias Cyon, Neokastron, western end of Darius’ pontoon bridge | Rumeli Hisari |
2424 | Gynaikospolis, Gynaikon limen, Portus Mulierum, Port des Femmes, Pheidalia, Phaidalia, Phidaleia, Sarantakopa, on R Cheimarrus | Baltalimani, on R Kanlikavak deresi |
2425 | Kyparodes, Trivia? | Emirgan |
2426 | Port Lasthenis, Leostenion, Sosthenion, Philemporion, Portus Senum, Port des Vieillards | Istinye, on R Römanu |
2427 | Komarodes, Komaron Prom. | Koybasi, near Yeniköy |
2428 | Leibadion, Libadion, Pithekos Limen, Pitheci portus, port of the Pitheans | Kalender Orduevi, near Yeniköy |
2429 | Pharmakia, Therapeia, Eudios Kalos | Tarabya |
2430 | Bathykolpos, Kalos Agros, on R Bathys Ryax | Büyükdere |
2431 | Skletrinas, NE of Sime Prom. | Sariyer |
2432 | Hieron Byzantion, Hieron Romelias, Mauromolos, Kommerkion chelai, Sarapieion, temple of Rhea, NE of Milton Prom., on R Chrysorrhoas | Telli Baba, near Rumeli Kavagi, with Serapis temple, NE of Tellitabyaburnu, with lighthouse at Thimea, Timaia tower |
2433 | Chalcaea, Chalkeia, Phosphoros | Altinkum, near Karatasburnu |
2434 | Ephesion Limen, Ephesiorum portus, Ephesiates, Aphosiates, port of the Ephesians | Büyük Liman South of Sultan Selim bridge |
2435 | Lykiou limen, port of the Lycians, at Myrileion, Myrleion Prom. | Garipce burnu |
2435.1 | Liknias, Phinopolis, Gypopolis | Baglaralti liman |
2436 | Symplegades, Synormades insulae, Kyaneai insulae, Pompey’s Pillar | Rumeli Feneri, Turkeli Feneri |
2436.1 | Phanarion, near Panium Prom. | Rumeli Feneri, Turkeli Feneri |
2436.2 | Kilios, Kela | Kilyos, Kumköy |
2436.3 | Agacli Neolithic settlement, east of R Agacli and west of R Hakaydin | |
2437 | Philia, Phylia, Phrygia | Karaburun |
2437.1 | Delkos, Delcus, Derkos, Derkoi, Develton, Deultum | Terkos, near lake Durusu Gölü |
2438 | Podima | Ormanli |
2438.1 | Macron Teichos, Anastasian Wall | Anastasian Wall |
2438.2 | Scylla | Yaliköy |
2439 | Salmydessus, Salmydesse, Medea, Midya | Kiyiköy |
2439.1 | Paulos | Iskelesi, on R Bulanik |
2439.2 | Staniera | Igneada |
2440 | Thynias, Buaticum | Igneada Limani |
2440.1 | Kanstritzion | Cape Kastric |
2440.2 | Silistar, on R Silistar | |
2440.3 | Sinemorets, on R Veleka | |
2441 | Ableon Tihos, Aulaeum, Aulaioteichos, Aulaetichus, Avleuteichos, Agathopolis | Ahtopol |
2441.1 | Vasiliko, Basilikos | Tsarevo |
2442 | outlet of R Kitenska- Karaagasch | |
2443 | Perinthos, Peronticum, Bordobizu | Kiten, at cape Urdoviza, with submerged BA settlement |
2444 | Asine | Primorsko, at outlet of R Djavolska |
2445 | Tera, Ranuli | Roman naval base, at cape Maslen Nos |
2445.1 | Vatrohi | |
2446 | Cherronesos, Chersonese, Gersonosus, Tonzos, on R Panisos? | Roman fort at outlet of R Ropotamo, with submerged BA settlement |
2446.1 | Sveti Toma, Saint Thomas island | |
2446.2 | Alepu lagoon | |
2446.3 | Medieval port and hypothetical ancient port | Port Baglar, Chayka Bay in Kavatsite Bay, west of Cape Hristos |
2447 | Apollonia Pontica, Apollonia Magna | Sozopol, port located between St Kyrikos Island and Sozopol old town at Cape Skamni, with ancient lighthouse on Isle of St Yvan, with submerged BA settlement |
2447.1 | Apollonia Pontica’s anchorage area | Sozopol, anchorage located west of St Kyrikos island |
2447.2 | Sveti Ivan, Saint Yvan island | |
2447.3 | Hrisosotira, Chrisosotera, Kavos Svitera, on Cape Chervenka | |
2447.4 | Akra | Vromos Bay, near Cape Talasakra, Tchernomorec, Chernomorets |
2448 | Antheia | Atiya, with submerged BA settlement |
2448.1 | Sveta Anastasija, Anastasia island | |
2449 | Port Rosenets | |
2449.1 | Cape Chiroza, west of Bay of Cenguene Skelja, Tschengeneskele | |
2449.2 | Poros, Phoros Prom. | Krajmorie, Kraymorie, south of cape Foros & west of Cape Kababurun |
2450 | Tvardica on the South bank of Lake Mandrensko | |
2450.1 | Skafida, on R Skafida, possibly not ancient (Middle Age) | |
2451 | industrial area Kostadin Tchechma | |
2452 | Deultum, Develton | Debelt on on the SW bank of Lake Mandrensko |
2453 | Pirgos | Greek fort between the villages of Konstantinovo and Chernivrah |
2454 | Shiloto | |
2455 | Pyrgos | Burgas, Pobeda, Sladkite Kladentsi |
2456 | Burgas, Izgrev | |
2457 | between the airport and Lake Atanasovo | |
2458 | Gerena | |
2459 | Anchialos | Pomorie |
2460 | Mesembria, Mesembrie, Meneabria, Menebria | Nessebar |
2461 | Haemus Prom., Gema, Aristaion, Aristaeum | Cape Emine, Aiman, near Emona, Limeno, Lemano ; other possible port location 3 km west at Emona Plaje |
2461.1 | Irakli, near R Vaya, near Cape Kochan, Kotjan Nos, possibly not ancient (Ottoman) | |
2462 | Naulohus, Naulochos, Tetranaulohas, Heliopolis | Obzor, possibly between outlets of R Dvoynitsa & R Perperi, with ancient kiln |
2463 | Aspros, Templum Iovis, Larisa? | Cape Sveti Atanas, near Bjala, Byala |
2463.1 | Mavro Molo Prom. | Cape Canarata, SW of Cape Cherni Nos, Kara Burun, outlet of R Kara Dere |
2464 | Shkorpilovtsi, at the outlet of R Fandakliyska | |
2465 | Erite, Ereta, Treta, near R Panysos, Paninos | Outlet of R Kamchiya |
2465.1 | Paletsa Prom. | Killik Nos, near Bliznatsi |
2466 | port of Karabizia? | Eski baalak, with stone jetty on west side of Cape Galata |
2467 | Rosico, Rosito | Karantinata, Lazuren Bryag |
2467.1 | Rodopa, and 12 other Neolithic and/or BA settlements on the Lake of Varna-Beloslav | |
2468 | Odessus, Odesos, Odissospolis, Tiberiopolis, Ullyssopolis | Varna, ancient port unlocated near modern railway station, Roman naval base, with major Neolithic necropolis at 43.2130°N, 27.8644°E, on R Provadiyska |
2469 | Catrizi, Castrici | Kastritsi, at Cape Sveti Yani |
2469.1 | Kokodiva, at Cape Kavaklar | |
2470 | Gerania, Kraneia, on R Zyras, Ziras | Ekrensko Kale, at Kranevo, Kraneya, on R Batova, with fortress on Kaleto Hill at 43.331°N, 28.057°E |
2471 | Krounoi, Crunos, Dionysopolis, Matiopolis | Balchik, Balcik |
2471.1 | Aphrodision | drowned city near Tuzlata? |
2472 | Byzone, Bizona, Byzus | near Kavarna |
2472.1 | Timum, Timogritia | near Balgarevo |
2473 | Tirizis, Tiriza Prom., Tetriciada, Tetrisiade | Cape Kaliakra |
2474 | Taukliman | |
2474.1 | Rousalka | Rusalka |
2475 | Yaila | Jajlata, Yalata |
2475.1 | Toprak Kale, at Kamen Bryag | |
2475.2 | Tyulenovo | |
2476 | Karon Limen, Carum Portus, Port of the Carians, Karia | Cape Shabla, with Neolithic settlement |
2476.1 | Lake Shablenska Tuzla | |
2477 | Golemiya Ostrov, Durankulak | |
2478 | Callatis, Kallatis, Pangalia | Mangalia |
2479 | Limanu | |
2479.1 | Cascaia, Hagieni | |
2480 | Albesti | |
2480.1 | Tatlageac lake | |
2480.2 | Parthenopolis | Costinesti |
2480.3 | Tuzla, near Eforie South, on lake Techirghiol | |
2481 | Tomis, Tomes, Tomis Costantiana | Constantza |
2482 | Vicus Turris Mucaporis | Anadolchioi |
2483 | Vicus Scaptia | Palazu Mare |
2484 | Ovidiu | |
2485 | Cape Midia | |
2486 | R Ister, Danuvius, navigable on a great distance, with many river ports, and with Stethe sand bank and Peuke insula inside the delta | R Danube, Donau |
2486.1 | Vicus Celeris | Vadu |
2487 | Gistria, Histria, Istros, Ister | Istria |
2497.1 | Insula Lupilor | Sinoe |
2488 | Acic-Suat, Caraburun | |
2489 | Vicus Buteridavensis | Sariurt |
2489.1 | Ad Salices | Ceamurlia de Jos |
2490 | Argamu, Orgame | Sase Martie, Cape Dolosman between Lake Golovita and Lake Razim |
2490.1 | Bisericuta island, between Lake Golovita and Lake Razim | |
2491 | Pampulo | Enisala |
2492 | Enisala | Babadag |
2493 | Satu Nou | |
2494 | Sarichoi | |
2495 | Vallis Domitiana | Agighiol |
2496 | Ad Stoma, Stoma Peuci | Dunavatu de Sus |
2496.1 | Peuke | Dunavatu de Jos |
2496.2 | Plateypegiis | on Saint Gheorghe branch of the Danube |
2497 | Halmyris, Salmorus | near Murighiol |
2498 | Gratiana? | near Murighiol |
2499 | Salsovia | 2.5 km NW of Mahmudia |
2500 | Fortificatia Getica, at Cetajuie, 1.5 km W of Salsovia | |
2501 | Thalamonium | Nufaru |
2502 | Aegyssos | Tulcea |
2503 | Noviodunum, Neaïoduno, home port of Classis Flavia Moesica fleet, later called Classis Ripae Scythicae | Isaccea |
2504 | Aliobrix | Orlivka |
2505 | Rachelu | |
2506 | Dinogetia | Gorvan |
2507 | Barbosi | Galati |
2508 | Arrubium | Macin |
2509 | Troesmis, Trosmes | near Turcoaia |
2510 | Piatra Rosie | |
2511 | Peceneaga | |
2512 | Beroe | Piatra Frecatei |
2513 | Piua Pietrei | |
2514 | Carsium | Harsova |
2515 | Capidava | |
2516 | Ismail | |
2517 | Taraschina | |
2518 | Achilleia, Hillia, Kealia, Kellia, Chilia, Lykostomo, on Thiagola lacus | Chilia Vecche, on Pardina/Tatanir & Matita/Merhei lakes |
2519 | Arpis Civitas, Harpis | Vylkove? |
2520 | Nakaron, Solin | Sulina |
2521 | Achilleos nesos, Achilleus Pontarchus, Achille’s island, Leuke insula, White island, Alba insula, Macaron insula, Blessed island, Isle of Serpents, Snake island | Isle of Bile, Zmiinyi, in front of Sulina, in the delta of R Danube |
2522 | Antiphili Turris, Ta Antipilou | near Trapivka, near Tartarbournary |
2523 | Zheltyy Yar | |
2524 | Kremniskoy, near Lebedivka | |
2525 | Aepolium | Shabalata |
2526 | Belen’koye, on R Budak Liman | |
2527 | Neoptolemi Turris, Hermonactocome | Zatoka? on R Dniester Liman |
2528 | Shabo, on R Dniester Liman | |
2529 | Tyras, Ophiussa, Asprokastron, Albajulia, Levkopolihnion, on R Tiras, Tyras | Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyï, Roman naval base, on R Dniester Liman |
2530 | Mologa, on R Dniester Liman | |
2531 | Pivdennoye, on R Dniester Liman | |
2532 | Semenovka, on R Dniester Liman | |
2533 | Kosovka, on R Dniester Liman | |
2534 | Belyayevka, on R Dniester Liman | |
2535 | Nadlimanskoye, on R Dniester Liman | |
2536 | Ovidiopol, on R Dniester Liman | |
2537 | Niconia, Nikonion, Niconium, on R Tiras, Tyras | Roksolanskoye, on R Dniester Liman |
2538 | Palanka, near Roxolani, on R Dniester Liman | |
2539 | Karolino-Bugaz, on R Dniester Liman | |
2540 | Ilyichevsk, Illitchivsk, Tchornomorsk, with Greek lighthouse | |
2541 | Isiakon Limen, Isiacorum portus, port of the Isiacians | Odessa, Prymorskyi Boulevard |
2542 | Zhevakhova hora mount | |
2543 | Istrianon Limen, Istrienus portus, port of the Istrianians, Istrians | Kuialnyk, near Luzanivka |
2544 | Scopuli | near Nova Dofinovka |
2545 | on R Aksiakos | Kosharskoye, Koshary, on Tiligulskii Liman |
2546 | Koblevo, on Tiligulskii Liman | |
2547 | Ordesus, Odesus, Odessos | Mors’ke? |
2548 | Borysthenes insula | isle of Berezan, formerly connected to mainland at cape Adzhyias’k, west of Ochakov |
2548.1 | Achilles’ sanctuary | Beikush |
2548.2 | Ochakovskoe | |
2549 | Pokrovskoye, near cape Kinburns’ka | |
2550 | Olbia, Borysthenes, port of the Borysthenits, on R Hypanis, Danapris | Parutino, Parutyne, on R Bug Liman, Roman naval base |
2551 | Kozyrka, on R Bug Liman | |
2551.1 | Staraia Bogdanovka, on R Bug Liman | |
2551.2 | Radsad, on R Bug Liman | |
2551.3 | Didova Khata, on R Bug Liman | |
2552 | Bublikova Balka | |
2553 | Pugach | |
2554 | Aleksandrovka | |
2555 | Hippolaou Akra Prom., at the mouth of R Borysthenes | Stanislavskoye, at the mouth of R Dniepr |
2556 | Sofiyevka, Sofievka & Glubokaya Pristan | |
2557 | Rybal’chye | |
2558 | Yagorlytskoye, Iagorlyk, Yahorlyk, Hylaia in this area? | |
2559 | Achilleus dromos, Achille’s course, port of the Achaeans, Eones? | cape Tendrivs’ka on Tendrivs’ka Kosa island, Tendra peninsula |
2560 | Pidea | Zaliznyi Port |
2561 | Bonus portus, North of Kephalonesos insula, in Tamyrakes kolpos | Dzharylhach island in Karkinit bay |
2562 | Karkine? | Kalanchak, on R Kalanchak |
2563 | Taphros, Tafros | Perekop, near Armians’k with canal crossing the Crimea isthmus |
2564 | Masliny, Sjeverne | |
2565 | Burnel | |
2566 | Groty | |
2567 | Mezhvodnoye | |
2568 | Dzharylgach | |
2568.1 | Yarylgach lake | |
2569 | Panskoye 1, in Yarylhats’ka Bay | |
2569.1 | Panskoye 2, in Yarylhats’ka Bay | |
2570 | Kalos Limen, Calos | Chornomors’ke, in Achmechet bay |
2571 | Karmyshev bay, port of Abuzlar | |
2572 | Kipchak bay, port of Kastel | |
2573 | Great Castel bay, port of Dzhangul | |
2574 | Ocheretay bay, port of Chorotay | |
2575 | Karadji, Karadzhinskoye near Olenivka | |
2576 | port of Oyrat and Dzhan-Baba | |
2576.1 | Tarpanchi | |
2576.2 | Lazurnoe | |
2577 | Kulcuk, Kulchuk | |
2578 | Belyaus | |
2578.1 | Zapadnodonuzlavskoe | |
2578.2 | Yuzhnodonuzlavskoe | |
2578.3 | Khutorok | |
2578.4 | Airchi | |
2578.5 | Beregovoe | |
2578.6 | Peschanka | |
2578.7 | Mayak | |
2579 | Chaika, near Zaozerne | |
2580 | Kerkinitis | Yevpatoriia |
2580.1 | Garshino | |
2581 | Novofedorivka | |
2582 | Kara-Tobe, near Pryberezhne | |
2582.1 | Kyzil-Yar lake | |
2583 | Dandace, near Peschanoye, on R Alma | |
2584 | Kacha | |
2585 | Bel’bekskoye | |
2586 | Ctenus, Calamita | Inkerman, Sebastopol |
2587 | Eupatoria, Eupatorion | Pivdenna bay? South Bay, Sebastopol |
2588 | Chersonesos, Chersonnese, Cherson, Heraclea | Roman naval base, near Karantynna Bay, La Quarantaine, with very large fish processing factory |
2589 | Three ports between Heraclea and cape Parthenium | Strilets’ka bay, Kruhla bay, Kamyshova bay |
2590 | Palaia Chersonesos, near cape Parthenium | SE of the airport, 10 km NW of cape Fiolent |
2591 | Portus Symbolorum, port of the Symbols, Symbolon, Bonus portus | Balaklava |
2592 | Kriou Metopon, Criumetopon Prom. | Laspynska bay, near Cape Sarych |
2593 | Kharax, Charax | Cape Ai-Todor |
2594 | Lagyra | near Yalta |
2595 | Port of Phrourion | Hurzuf? |
2596 | Parthenion, port of Lampas | Partenit |
2597 | Aluston, Aloustou Phrourion | Alushta |
2598 | Skythotauron Limen, port of the Tauroscyths, Athenion, Athenaeum | Sougdaia, near Sudak |
2599 | Port of inland settlements: Akra-Deresi, Tokluk, Koz, Kefessia | possibly at cape Bugas, near cape Mehanom |
2600 | Aphineon? Callitra? | Koktebel |
2601 | Theodosia, Theodosie, Caffa, Arta? | Feodosia |
2602 | Cazeca, Kazeka | Cape Chauda |
2603 | Port Cimmerion, Cimmerium, Kimmeris, Kimmerikon | Cape Opuk |
2604 | Kytai, Kitey | South of Cape Takyl |
2605 | Akra, Zephyrium Prom. | North of Cape Takyl |
2606 | Geroyevka | |
2607 | Nymphaion, Nymphaeum | about 13 km from Kerch, near Eltiguen memorial |
2608 | Tyritake, Tiritaca | near Pryozerne industrial port |
2609 | Hermissus | Cape Ak Burun |
2610 | Pantikapaion, Panticapee, Kaisareia (under Polemon I) | Kerch |
2611 | Myrmekion | Cape Karantynnyi, East of Kerch |
2612 | Parthenion | near Zukovka |
2613 | Porthmion, Porthmia | near Yurkine |
2614 | Zenonos Chersonesos, Zenon Hersonissos | Kurtortnoe, near Cape Zyuk, Ziuk |
2615 | General’skoye Vostochnoye | |
2616 | Salachik | |
2617 | Zolotoye Vostochnoye | |
2618 | Zolotoye | |
2619 | Heracleon | Cape Kazantyp, near Mysove |
2620 | Mysovoye | |
2621 | Semenovka | |
2622 | Neontichos, Enichi, Henichi | Heniches’k |
2623 | Kyrylivka, at root of cape Fedotova | |
2624 | Obytichna gulf | |
2625 | Berdians’ka gulf | |
2626 | Halieuma Theou, Palestra, Palastra | in Bilosarais’ka gulf |
2627 | Hygreis | Shyrokine, East of Marioupol |
2628 | Karoia | Mius’kyi Firth, near cape Beglyts’ka |
2629 | Kremnoi, Kremny, Cremni | Taganrog |
2630 | Tanaïs, on R Tanais | near Nedvigovka on R Don |
2631 | several places close to Sukho-Chaltyrskoye | |
2632 | Nizhne-Gnilovskoye | |
2633 | Temirnitskoye | |
2634 | Rostovskoye | |
2635 | Kizitirinskoye | |
2636 | Kobyakovo | |
2637 | Elizavetovskoe-Gorodishche | |
2638 | Kazachiy Yerik | |
2639 | Stanitsa Yelizavetovskaya | |
2640 | Patarva | Podazovskoye, inside the fortress of Azov |
2641 | Paniardis | Krepostnoe, near Azov |
2642 | Vysochino | |
2643 | Pavlo-Ochakovo | |
2644 | Chambur-Kosa | |
2645 | Pataroue, near R Rhombites Megas, Rombit | near Glafirovka, on Yeysky liman with R Yeya |
2646 | R Rhombites Mikro, Rombit | Beysugsky liman and R Beysug |
2647 | Mertvyy Redant, SE of Primorsko-Akhtarsk | |
2648 | Azara | near Sadki |
2649 | Belikov, SE of Achuyevo | |
2650 | Krasnyy October, Red October, West of Slavyansk-na-Kubani, on R Kuban | |
2651 | Labrita, Labrys | near Semibratneye Gorodishche, near Varenikovskaya, on R Kuban |
2652 | Strelka, on R Kuban | |
2653 | Golubitskoye Gorodishche, on R Kuban | |
2654 | Starotitarovskaya, on R Kuban | |
2655 | Tyrambe | Stanitsa Peresyp, on R Kuban |
2656 | Duboviy Mys, on R Kuban | |
2657 | Kuchugury | |
2658 | Achillion | near Il’ich |
2659 | Batareyka near Zaporozhskoye, at entrance of Bay of Dinskoy | |
2660 | Kamennaya near Zaporozhskoye | |
2661 | Patrasys | near Zaporozhskoye |
2662 | Tatarskiy | |
2663 | Kepoi, Cepi | near Sennoy |
2664 | Phanagoria, Agrippeia (under Polemon I), western pier, with eastern pier ca. 500 m further east | near Sennoy |
2665 | Hermonassa | Ataman |
2666 | Korokondame | near Ataman |
2667 | Bugaz | |
2668 | Stanitsa Blagoveshchenskaya | |
2669 | Khutor Blagoveshchenskiy | |
2670 | Sindicos, Sindique, Gorgippia | Anapa |
2671 | Sukko valley, near cape Bolshoy Utrish, Large Utrish | |
2672 | Cape Malyy Utrish, Malom Utrishe, Small Utrish | |
2673 | Dyurso | |
2674 | Yuzhnaya Ozereyka | |
2675 | Myskhako | |
2676 | Bata, Bathai, Patous, Port Hieron | Novorossiysk, on R Tsemes |
2677 | Kabardinka | |
2678 | Torikos, Pragrae, Pagres, Heptalou, Eptala | Gelendzhik |
2679 | Palaia Achaia, Vetus Achaia, Ancienne Achaia | Arkhipo-Osipovka? on R Vulan |
2680 | Vetus Lazica, Ancienne Lazique | Novomikhaylovskoye? on R Nechepsuho |
2681 | Nicopsis, shelter East of a promontory not named by Arrian? | Tuapse, East of cape Kadosh |
2682 | Zigoi, Zigi | Lazarevskoye |
2683 | Mamai Kala, on R Mamayka | |
2684 | R Achaeunte, Achaious | R Shakhe, Sotchi |
2685 | Masaitike, at outlet of R Masaetica, Masaetique | Matsesta, on R Matsesta |
2686 | Herakleion Prom., Pyxites, at outlet of R Naessus, Nesis | Adler, on R Mzytma, near Sotchi airport |
2687 | R Borgys | P Psou |
2688 | R Abascus, Abasgos | R Zhvaviakvara |
2689 | Stennitike, Nitica, Nitike, Triglite | Roman fort near Gagra |
2690 | Pityous II, Pityunte, Amzara, near R Korax | Roman fort at Pitsunda with port on Lake Inkit, near R Bzyb, Bzipi |
2691 | Lidzava, Ldzaa | |
2691.1 | Pityous I | Gudauta, Goudaouta, near R Khipsta |
2692 | Anacopia, Tracheia, near R Apsara | Roman fort at Novyj Afon, New Athos, near R Psyrta |
2693 | Gvandra | |
2694 | Krasnyy Mayak, near R Gumista | |
2695 | Dioscurias, Dioskourias? Sauastopoli, Sebastopolis? | Sukhumi Fortress |
2696 | Port Marfitam, Port Mengrels, Klisura, on R Chrysorrhoas | State University, on R Kelasuri, Kyalasur |
2697 | Sebastopolis Castellum, NB: Arrian merges abandoned archaic Diocurias and Roman Sebastopolis | Skurcha Lake? near R Kodori |
2697.1 | R Astelephus, Stelippon, Euripos | R Dghamishi, or R Toumishi, Tamishi? |
2697.2 | R Hippus | R Tskhenistsqali |
2698 | Dioscurias, Dioskourias, archaic Aia, port of Aietes, on R Moches, R Anthemus? NB: Arrian merges abandoned archaic Diocurias and Roman Sebastopolis | Ochamchire harbour, on R Mokvi |
2699 | R Tarsuras, Tarsouras | Ochamchira, on R Galidzga |
2700 | Roman fort at Ilori, South of R Galidzga | |
2700.1 | Gyenos, Guenos, Cygnus, Neapolis, on R Cyaneus, Ciani, Kyanos | Roman fort near R Okumi |
2701 | Siganeon, Zigane, Sicarabis, on R Singames (navigable) | Primorsk? on R Khob, R Second Gudava |
2702 | Pichori near R Enguri, near Anaklia | |
2702.1 | R Chobus, Chorsos | R Khobistsqali, or R Churia further north? |
2703 | R Tsiva, Tsivi | |
2704 | R Charieis, Charioustos, Arios (navigable) | northern arm of R Rioni |
2705 | Patara Poti, on R Phasis (navigable) | Roman fort at Patara Poti, on R Rioni |
2706 | Phasis, between R Phase & lake Paleostomi, Paliastomi | Poti, on southern arm of R Rioni, now called “Old Rioni”, with Roman naval base (on lake Paliastomi, which may have been just a bay in ancient times?) |
2706.1 | Namarnu area, on R Phichori | |
2706.2 | Kvemo Chaladidi, on R Rioni | |
2706.3 | Simagre area, on R Rioni | |
2706.4 | Sagvichio area, on R Rioni | |
2706.5 | R Rhis, Petra Pia Iustiniana in this area? | R Kaparcha? |
2707 | R Mogrus (navigable) | R Supsa |
2708 | R Isis (navigable) | R Natanebi, near Pichvnari |
2709 | R Acinasis, Akinases, Leiston? | R Kintrishi, near Kobuleti |
2710 | Petra Pia Iustiniana? | Roman fort at Tsikhisdziri |
2710.1 | Leukotheion | Green Cape? |
2711 | Bathys Limen, Portus Altus, on R Bathys, Leiston? | Roman fort at Batumistsikhe, on R Korolistskali, Qorolitsqali |
2712 | R Acampsis, Harpasos? Leiston? (navigable), probably made up of R Glaukos, Apsoros (north) and R Lycos, Boas (south) | R Chorokhi, Chorunehri, made up of R Adjaristskali, Acharistsqali (north) and R Chorukhi (south) |
2713 | Apsarus, Apsorros, Apsaruntos, Apsyrtus | Roman fortress & naval base at Fort of Gonio, 10 km South of Batumi |
2714 | Kissa, on R Kissa | Hopa |
2715 | Arhabia, on R Archabis, Arion? | Arhavi, on R Kabisre Deresi |
2716 | R Pyxites | R Kakuminin Deresi, near Findikli |
2717 | R Prytanis | R Firtina near Ardesen |
2718 | Atina, Athenae, Limne polis, near R Zagatis | Pazar, near Hemsin Deresi |
2719 | Hodeinios, Adienos, on R Adienu | R Madenli near Cayeli |
2720 | R Ascurus | R Askoroz |
2721 | Rhizos, Rhizaion, Becheirikos, Port Bechirique, on R Rhizius | Rize, on R Tasli |
2722 | R Calos | North of Eskipazar |
2723 | R Psychros | South of Eskipazar |
2724 | Ophius, on R Ophis | Of, on R Solakli |
2725 | Susarmia, Sousourmena, Hyssus portus on R Hyssos, Kora, Myssi portus, Hyssou Limen, Augustopolis | Sürmene, on R Manahoz Deresi |
2726 | Erakleia, Psoron Limen, near Kaine Parenbole | Arakli, on R Karadere, near Canayer |
2727 | Trapezos, Trapezonte, Trapezunt, initial home port (with Sinope) of Classis Pontica fleet | Trabzon |
2728 | Ermonassa, Platana, Pulathane | Akcaabat |
2729 | Chordule, Cordila, Kordyle | Akcakale |
2730 | Hieron Oros | Yoroz Burun |
2731 | Kerasous | Kirazlik, on R Kerasoun Dere Su |
2732 | Vakfikebir, on R Fol Deresi | |
2732.1 | Libiopolis, Liviopolis, Linopoli | Cesmeönü Kalesi, near Besikdüzü Liman |
2733 | Coralles, Koralla, Coralla | Görele Kalezi, near Eynesil |
2734 | Philokalea | Görele |
2735 | Argyria, at outlet of R Tripolis | Quarry at Halkavala, at outlet of R Harsit |
2736 | Tripolis | Tirebolu |
2737 | Port Zephyriose, Zephyrium | Gülburnu, near Espiye, near Uluburnu and Camburnu |
2738 | Kesap, on R Vanazit | |
2739 | Aretias insula, Aretide, Areonesos, Arrhentias, Halkeritida, Ares, Mars, in front of R Pharnacea | Isle of Giresun Adasi, in front of R Aksu |
2740 | Choerades, Choirades | Gedikkaya |
2741 | Pharnacya, Pharnakeia, Pharnacee, also called Kerasus, Cerasus, Kerasonte | Giresun |
2742 | Ischopolis, at the outlet of R Pharmatenos | Bulancak, at outlet of R Pazarsuyu |
2743 | R Melanthius | R Melet near Ordu |
2744 | Kotyora, Kotyoron, Kotyoros, Kytora, Kyteoron, Cytorus, Byzericus portus? | Ordu, at the outlet of R Bülbül deresi, SE of cape Boon ; Strabo, 12, 3, 18 & Plini, 6, 4 are not very clear on the location of the Byzeres people in this area |
2745 | Genesintis, Boona, near the outlet of R Genetes, Genetes, near Cape Genetaios | Persembe in the bay of Vona |
2746 | Cilicum insula, Kilikon Nesos insula, Isle of the Cilicians | Isle of Hoynat Adasi, Persembe Adasi |
2747 | Stamene, Ameneia? near Iasonion Prom., Jason’s Cape | Aziziye? near Yason Burnu |
2748 | Polemonium, Side, on R Sidenos | Bolaman, on R Bolaman |
2749 | Phabda, Phadisana, Side | Fatsa |
2750 | Ameletos, Camila | near Yüceler |
2751 | R Phigamunte | near Cevizdere |
2752 | Oenoe, Caena | Ünye |
2753 | R Thoaris | R Akcay |
2754 | R Beris | R Arimdere, near Milic |
2755 | Cape of Amazones, Themiskyra, Themiscyra, at the outlet of R Thermodon | Terme, on R Terme Süyu |
2756 | Lamyron, Herakleion, Heracleum | Sivaslilar Köyü |
2757 | Ankon, Acona on R Iris | at the outlet of R Yesil |
2758 | Chadisia on R Chadisia | near Kurtulus at the airport of Samsun |
2759 | R Lykastos | R Merd |
2760 | Amisos, Amisus, Peiraieus, Piraeus, archaïc Enete | Baruthane, near Samsun |
2761 | Eupatoria | Karasamson |
2762 | Eusene, Ezene | Kurupelit? |
2763 | Conopaeum, Conope, Conopeius Lacus | Cernek Gol, Gernek Gölü |
2764 | Naustathmos, Nauctacmon | Liman Gol, Gölü |
2765 | R Halys | R Kizilirmak at cape Bafra |
2766 | Gadilon, Helega? on R Halys | Bafra, on R Kizilirmak |
2767 | Zaliches, Leontopolis on R Zaleco, Zaliskos | Alacam |
2768 | Yakakent Liman | |
2769 | Zagora, Zacoria, Gazoron? | Cayagzi, on R Aksu |
2770 | Garzoubanthon, Gurzubanthon, Orgibate | Gürcüvet, near Kurzuvet Burnu |
2771 | Karoussa, Carusa, Caruse, Polichnion | Kösk Höyük, near Gerze |
2772 | Kyptasia, Cyptasa | Demirci Köyü Limani |
2773 | Sinopa, Sinope, naval base, initial home port (with Trapzos) of Classis Pontica fleet | Sinop |
2773.1 | Sinopa, Sinope, south port | Sinop |
2773.2 | Sinopa, Sinope, north port | Sinop |
2774 | Scopelus | peninsula of Sinope |
2775 | Kerasous, on R Ochosbanes, Ochthomanes, Ocherainos | R Karasu Cayi |
2776 | Armene, Harmene, Armine, port of Sinop | Akliman |
2777 | Harmene? | Hamsilos |
2778 | Gerna, Leptes? | Inceburun |
2779 | Potamoi, Potamos, Tetrakis? | Camurka, near Ayancik |
2780 | Stephane | Caylioglu, near cape Usta |
2781 | Koloussa, Kollyris? | Güllüsu Liman, West of Türkeli |
2782 | Kinolis and Antikinolis | Ginoglu Liman, near Kaslica |
2783 | Aeginetes, Leginetes, Lekesne, Lesti, Eginetes, Ghinue, Chlinue, Ghinuc, Inuchi, Inichi | Ilisi, İlişi, with two harbours at outlet of R Ilisi & behind rocky spit |
2784 | Abonuteichos, Abonutichus, Abonus, Ionopolis | Inebolu |
2785 | Garium, Gario | Kayran Yali |
2786 | Zephyrium | Doganyurt |
2787 | Marsylla, Zephyrium? | Marcula Plaji, Kisla |
2788 | Karambis Prom., Kallistratia? | Ilyasbey on Cape Kerempe |
2789 | Timolaion, Timolaium | Güble, near Cayyaka |
2790 | Thyne, Thymena, Timena, Teuthrania? | Timne, near Ugurlu |
2791 | Klimax, Climace | Sakalli |
2792 | Aegialus | Cide, near Karaagaci Limani |
2793 | Kytoros, Cytorus, Cytore | Gideros, near Kumluca |
2794 | Kromna, Cromna | Kurucasile |
2795 | Tripoli | Tekkeönü |
2796 | Erythrinoi, Erythines, Erifin | Cakraz, near Senyurt |
2797 | Amastris, Sesamos, Sesamus | Amasra |
2798 | R Parthenius | Poseidon temple at outlet of R Bartin |
2799 | Mokata? on R Psillide | Muda, formerly Mukata |
2800 | R Billaeus, Billaios | R Filyos near Sazköy |
2801 | port of Tieion, Tieum, Tios, Tius, Billaios | Filyos, Hisarönü, with a breakwater connected to the promontory |
2802 | Psylla | Eren Limani |
2803 | Krenides | near Kilimli |
2804 | Sandaraca, Sandarake | Zonguldak |
2805 | Oxinas on R Oxinem, | Iliksu Köyü, near Esenköy |
2806 | Nymphae | Cavusagzi |
2807 | Tyndarides | Kireclik |
2808 | Posidium | Alacaagzi |
2809 | Metroum, Metroon, Aulia | Köseagzi near Bali |
2810 | Cape Acherousias, Akonai, Acone, on R Acheron | vers Kemer Köyü |
2811 | Herakleia Pontica, Heraclee | Eregli |
2812 | R Lycos | R Gülüc South of the port of Eregli |
2813 | Kilisecik near Göktepe | |
2814 | Nippus, Cales on R Calete, Kales, Kalex | Alapli on R Alapli |
2814.1 | Unnamed city | Kovukkavla, on R Kantar |
2815 | Elaios on R Elaeus | near Kocaman |
2816 | Kalesa, Kelesa | near Cayagzi |
2817 | Lilius, Lilaios | East of Akcakoca |
2818 | Dia, Diaspolis, Diospolis | Akcakoca |
2819 | R Hypius, Hippius | R Melen, Buyukmelen, near Melenagzi |
2820 | R Sagarios, Sangarius, border of Bithynia | R Sakarya near Ihsaniye |
2821 | Chalai, Cheles | Dikili Sahili |
2822 | Isle of Thynias, Isle of Apollonia | Kefken Adasi |
2823 | Rhoe on R Rhoes | Kefken |
2824 | Calpas, Calpe, Kalpe | Kerpe |
2825 | Tenba | near Bagirganli |
2826 | Psillion on R Psillis | Yesilcay on R Agua, Göksu |
2827 | Artanes and Chelaita on R Artanes, Artones | Sile |
2827.1 | Domali Neolithic settlement | |
2828 | Rhebas on R Rhebas | Riva on R Riva, near Cayagzi |
2829 | Ampelodes, Gomon? Possibly the second half of the Symplegades, Symorgades insulae, Kyaneai insulae defining the northern end of the Bosphorus near Ankyraion-Psomion Prom. | rocks 250 m NE of the Anadolu Feneri modern lighthouse, near Cape Yom Burnu, but another possible location is Sogan Adasi, 1 km west of R Riva outlet |
2830 | Dios Akra Prom., Panteichion, Mankipeion, Korakion | Poyrazköy bay until Sultan Selim Bridge |
2831 | Chelae | Small beach south of Sultan Selim Bridge? |
2832 | Hieron Chalkedonion, Zeus Ourios temple, Ophrou Limen | Anadolu Kavagi, temple of Jupiter Urius |
2833 | Mochadion, Argyronion Prom. | Umuryeri, near Macarburnu |
2834 | Sykia, Monokolos | Naval base, BAtlas locates Daphne Mainomene here |
2835 | Moukaporis, near Naulochum Prom. | Seviburnu |
2836 | Amycus, Amykos, Portus Amyci, Amaia, Daphne Mainomene, Port du Laurier Fou | Beykoz, Daphné is located by Arrian at 40 stadia (7.5 km) South of Hieron (on the Asian side) and at 80 stadia (15 km) of Byzance |
2837 | Palodes | Incirköy |
2838 | Eirenaion in the bay of Katangeion, Kastakion | Cubuklu |
2839 | Boradion, Phrixu Limen, Phrixi, Phrixos | North of Kanlica |
2840 | Phialos, Phiela, Phiale | Kanlica koyu |
2841 | Potamonion, Neokstron, Kormion, in Manolios bay, on R Azaritia, Aretes, Enaretes, eastern end of Darius’ pontoon bridge | Anadolu Hisari, on R Göksu |
2842 | Nausikleia, Port Azarus, on river outlet | Kücüksu |
2843 | Echaia Akra, Kikonion Prom. | Kandilli Point |
2844 | Krochoi, Brochoi, Brochtoi, Proochthoi, Kronychion, Bronychion, Kechri, on bay of Lykadion | Vaniköy |
2845 | Nausimachion, Phylake | Kuleli |
2846 | Kikonion | Cengelköy |
2847 | Stauros, Sophianai | Roman villa at Beylerbey |
2847.1 | Chrysokeramos | Kusguncuk |
2848 | Chrysopolis, Skutarion, Scutari, Port du Bœuf, near Damalis Prom., Bous Prom. | Area between Yeni Valide Mosque and Mihrimah Mosque at Üsküdar, at outlet of former rivers R Cavus and R Bülbül |
2849 | Chrysopolis insula, in front of Damalis Prom., Bous Prom | isle of Kiz Kulezi (Maiden’s Tower), near Üsküdar, with ancient lighthouse |
2849.1 | R Hermogoras, Heragoras | Selimiye Kislasi |
2850 | Chalkedon, Chalcedon, Chalcedoine, Kalchedon, near R Himeros | Kadiköy in front of Istanbul, near R Ayirliksu |
2850.1 | Eutropiou, Eutropiu Limen, Port of Eirene | Historical Moda Pier |
2851 | Chalkedon, Chalcedon, Chalcedoine, Kalchedon, on R Chalkedon | Kadiköy in front of Istanbul, with neolithic settlement at Fikirtepe, on R Kurbagalidere |
2852 | Hiereia, Heraion, Heraeum, Hereum, Heraeon, near Kalamotos Prom. | Imperial port at Fenerbahce |
2853 | Rouphinianai, Drys | Caddebostan |
2854 | Poleatikon | Bostanci |
2855 | Antigoni insula, Antioch of Propontis, Pityodes insulae | Isle of Burgaz Adasi in the Prince islands |
2856 | Demonessus, Chalcitis insula, Pityodes insulae | Camlimani bay, on the isle of Heybeli Ada in the Prince islands, Chalki, Halki, ancient copper quarry |
2856.1 | Megale insula, Pityodes insulae | Isle of Büyük Adasi in the Prince islands |
2857 | Acritas | Dragos near Maltepe |
2858 | Panteichium | Pendik Marina |
2859 | Kosilaos | Neolithic settlement at Pendik |
2859.1 | Port of Potamoi | Darica |
2860 | Libyssa | near Dilovasi |
2861 | Charax | Hereke |
2862 | Brunca | Yarimca? |
2863 | Elaia | Zeytin Burnu? |
2864 | Arbeila | Kurucesme |
2865 | Nikomedeia, Nicomedia, Nicomedie | Izmit, with arched mole near arsenal acc. to Texier (1839)? |
2866 | Astakos, Astace, Olbia, 18 km west of lacus Boanensis, lacus Sunonensis, Boane limni, lacus Siphonensis, Sophon | Izmit South, with Trajan’s projected connection to lake Sapanca by a canal |
2867 | Diolkides | near Gölcük |
2868 | Herakleion | near Ulasli |
2869 | Prainetos, Praenetus | Karamürsel |
2870 | Helenopolis, Drepanon, on R Drakon, Draco | Cape Hersek, near Altinova, on R Yalakdere |
2871 | Strobilos | Karakilise, Ciftlikköy |
2872 | Pylai | Yalova |
2873 | Sangaros | Engüre, near Ibonu Rampasi Neolithic settlement |
2874 | Triton | near Armutlu |
2875 | Prousias, Prusias ad Mare, Kios, Cius, on R Cios | Gemlik on outlet of lake Isnik Gölü |
2876 | Charmidea, on Askania Limne | near Orhangazi, on lake Isnik Gölü, near Ilipinar Neolithic settlement |
2877 | Port of Nikaia, Nicaea, Nicee, Angkore, Helikore, Antigoneia, on Askania Limne | Iznik, Güney Liman, 250 m north of submerged Basilica of Saint Neophytos, on lake Isnik Gölü |
2878 | Phytopolis, on Askania Limne | near Sölöz, on lake Isnik Gölü, near Mentese Neolithic settlement |
2879 | Elekosmioi | Kursunlu |
2879.1 | Sirakayalar, near Atlintas | |
2880 | Port of Apameia Myrlea, Brylleion, Iulia Concordia | Mudanya near Bursa |
2881 | Triglia, Trilye | Zeytinbagi, Tirilye, with Medikion monastery |
2882 | Caesarea Germanica, Germanikopolis, Helgas | Kapanca |
2882.1 | Ketendere | |
2883 | Daskyleion, Dascylium, Antigoneia near Daskyleion | Eskel Limani, ancient breakwater covered by modern one in 2012 |
2884 | Apollonia ad Rhyndacum, Ryndakos, near R Rhyndakos | Apolyont, Gölyazi on Lake Uluabat Gölü, near R Kocasu, near Aktopraklik Neolithic settlement |
2885 | Daphnous | Akcapinar |
2886 | Port of Miletoupolis, Miletopolis | near Mustaphakemalpasa |
2886.1 | Lopadeion, Miletouteichos? on R Rhyndakos | Uluabat, on R Capraz |
2886.2 | Artaiouteichos, on R Rhyndakos | near Bogaz, on R Capraz |
2886.3 | Besbicos insula | Imrali Adasi |
2887 | Skylake | Bayramdere |
2888 | Plakia | Kursunlu ManastirManastir, with Theophanes’ Megas Agros monastery at Tofas Sitesi |
2889 | Daskyleion, Pemaninos | Ergili on Lake Manyas Gölü, near Muslucesme Neolithic settlement |
2890 | Bandirma, Panderma | |
2890.1 | Thrakia Kome | Mamum, near Bandirma |
2891 | Cyzicos, Kyzikos, Cyzicus, Cyzique, Panormos? home port of Classis Pontica fleet, on Arctonnesos insula | Rustafjaell’s “Inner Harbour”, on the isthmus of the peninsula of Erdek |
2891.1 | East port of Cyzicos, on Arctonnesos insula | Rustafjaell’s “East Harbour”, on the isthmus of the peninsula of Erdek, Strabo, 12, 8 mentions a closable double harbour with many shipsheds |
2892 | Chytos, Hytos, west port of Cyzique, on Arctonnesos insula | on the isthmus of the peninsula of Erdek |
2893 | Calos, Artace, Artake, Artakie, on Arctonnesos insula, in front of Artacaeum insula | Erdek, on the peninsula of Erdek, in front of the isle of Tavsan Adasi |
2894 | Bathys Limen, on Arctonnesos insula | Turan |
2895 | Peramos, on Arctonnesos insula | natural shelter, Tatlisu |
2896 | Halone, on Halone insula, Old Proconnesos? | Pasalimani, on the isle of Pasalimani Adasi |
2897 | Elaphonnesos insula | Isle of Avsa Adasi? with BA settlement at Manastir Mevkii Höyügü |
2898 | Proconnesus, on Proconnese insula | Port Marmara, on the isle of Marmara Adasi |
2899 | Palatia, on Proconnese insula (export of white marble) | Saraylar, on the isle of Marmara Adasi |
2900 | East of R Aesepos | Sirincavus, with additional breakwater 500 m east of the port, east of R Gönen Cayi |
2900.1 | Harpagion | near Bozlar |
2901 | Priapus, Priape, Baris? on R Granicus | Karabiga, on R Biga Cay, R Kocabas |
2902 | Linon, Linus | Sahmelek |
2903 | Pitya | Icdas Limani |
2904 | Parion, Parium, Gemella Iulia, Hadriana, possible naval base | Kemer |
2904.1 | Parion, Parium, Gemella Iulia, Hadriana, possible commercial port | Kemer |
2905 | Paisos, Αpaisos | near Adatepe Köyü |
2906 | Abarnis | near cardak |
2907 | Lampsacus, Lampsaque, Pityoussa, Pityeia | Lapseki |
2908 | Percote, Perkote, near R Praktios | disappeared city near R Umurbey |
2909 | Abydos | Nagara Kalesi North of Canakkale |
2910 | Dardanus | Güzelyali |
2911 | Ophrynium, Ophrynee | Intepe, Erenköy, with Hector’s tomb |
2912 | Ophryneion-Pteleon, Pteleus | lake near Ophrynium (dried out lake SW of Intepe) |
2913 | Rhoition, Rhoeteum, Rhoetee, Tomb of Ajax | Eski Kale, on Babakale promontory |
2914 | Traron, second location of Rhoition, Rhoeteum, Rhoetee | Tavolia, near Cobantepe |
2915 | Aianteion, Aeantion | Kumkale promontory, now inland |
2916 | Troy, Troya, Troie, Ilion, archaic Wilusa, on a hill between R Scamander (Homer’s Xanthos) and R Simois, famous Trojan war ca. 1200 BC | Hisarlik, near the valleys, now silted up, of R Karamenderes and R Dumrek |
2916.1 | On a hill between R Scamander and R Simois | Kalafat, near the valleys, now silted up, of R Karamenderes and R Dumrek |