Ancient Ports in North Africa

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Ancient port mentioned by ancient author(s)

Ancient port mentioned by modern author(s) only

Potential ancient harbour, from a nautical point of view

NB Ancient name Modern name
4097 Zouchis, Taricheiai, archaic Maqom Malahat El-Mdeina, near Allouet el-Gounna, with 600 m quaywall
4098 Zeucharis, Praesidium, with tower Sidi Mohammed Chaouch island, at outlet of lake el-Biban
4099 Villa Magna Roman villa at Bou Gornine, near Ras Zarba, NE of Bin Gardane
4099.1 Henchir Fesguia Rouis, Fisqiyat Ruays
4100 Putea Pallene Naoura, on the South bank of R Bahar Alaoune
4101 Sidi Bou Teffaha, near Zarzis
4101.1 Gergis, Gergin, Girgis Zarzis
4102 Ad Pontem, Pons Zitha Roman causeway to Djerba
4103 Meninx, Menige, on Meninx insula, famous for its purple dye, Odysseus’ stopover in the country of Lotophagoi, Lotus-eaters in this area acc. to Polybius, Herodotus’ Phla nesos el-Kantara, on the isle of Djerba, where wine is made with jujube flowers
4104 Roman villa, near Souk el-Gibli
4105 Roman villa, near Vincci Alkantara resort
4106 Roman villa at Aghir, on the isle of Djerba
4107 Girba, Gerra, Pliny’s Thoar? Rhizene, near Houmt Souk, on the isle of Djerba
4108 Tipasa near Ajim, on the isle of Djerba
4109 Roman villa NW of Guellala
4110 Heres, Haribus Guellala, on the isle of Djerba
4111 Ersifet, Errysifet, two block alignments near quarry
4112 Gidaphta, Kidiphtha, Port of Zitha? Ras Segala, North jetty with platform, in the gulf of Boughrara, near Henchir Zian
4112.1 Gidaphta, Kidiphtha, Port of Zitha? Ras Segala, South jetty with platform, in the gulf of Boughrara, near Henchir Zian
4113 Gightis, Gichthi, Giti of Tripoli, Epeiron? Bou Ghrara, Roman jetty with semi-circular platform
4114 Templum Veneris Jorf
4115 Gidaphta, Cidiphtha? Laflala
4116 Gourine East
4117 Gidaphta, Cidiphtha? Bou Amia, on lagoon NE of Arram
4118 Agma near al-Zarat
4119 Roman villa near Zerkine
4120 Roman villa South of Wadi el-Ferd
4121 Tacapae, Tacapes, Tachape, with large Tritonis lake inland Gabes, with Schott el-Djerid lake inland
4122 Lacene? Tarf el-Ma, at the outlet of R Wadi Rekhama near Akarit
4122.1 1 km south of outlet of wadi Akarit
4123 Cellae Picentinae, Cellae Vicus? Eschides? La Skhirra, ex “Ferme Roderie” 300 m South of La Tour du Nadour
4124 Benfas, Bennafa, Portus Lariscus? Bir Flaguess 2.5 km SW of the TRAPSA oil terminal
4125 Ad Oleastrum? near al-Hushayshinah
4126 Neapolis? near Yonga?
4127 Macomades Minores, Oungha, Iunca, Iunci, Portus Lariscus? Borj Younga, Yonga, Onga, 10 km South of Mahres
4128 Thaenae, Theainai, Thena, Thythna Thyna, Taine
4129 Taphrura, Taparura Sfax
4129.1 Henchir ech Cheggaf, Sidi Mansour
4129.2 El-Aoubed, Koudiat Jaber
4130 Kerkina, Cercenna, on Kyranis, Cercinitis insulae Borj el-Hassar, on the isles of Kerkennah
4131 Usulla, Usula near al-Amra
4132 Ruspe South of La Louaza
4133 Acholla, Achulla, Anchola, Agchola, Ahola, Acola Ras Boutria, jetty with platform perpandicular to the coast
4134 Caput Vada, Iustinianopolis? Turris Hannibalis? Ras Kaboudia, port of La Chebba, with possible lighthouse
4135 Syllectum, Sullecthum, Salipota? Alipota? Halipota? Zella? Salakta, Ras el-Bled
4136 Gummi, Aphrodisium Mahdia
4137 Thapsus Ras Dimass, near Bekalta South of Monastir, large breakwater of the South port, with possible lighthouse
4138 Thapsus, “Portus Pristinus” Ras Dimass, near Bekalta South of Monastir, access channel to the North port
4139 Leptis Minor, Leptiminus Lamta, jetty with platform perpandicular to the coast
4140 Taricheiai Nesoi insula Dmagh el-Kaouaf, Grande Kuriate island
4141 Thermis, Thermai Monastir South
4141.1 Monastir, Sidi Mansour, Roman fish ponds
4142 Cape with two islets with wooden poles Monastir, with probable quarry on La Tonnara islet (el-Ghedamsi islet)
4142.1 Ruspina, Rouspina Monastir, Skanes, Henchir Tennir?
4143 Hadrumete, Adrymetum, Adrymes, Adramytes, Honoriopolis, Hunericopolis, Justinianopolis Sousse, tip of secundary breakwater
4144 Hadrumete, Adrymetum, Adrymes, Adramytes, Honoriopolis, Hunericopolis, Justinianopolis Sousse, main breakwater
4145 Themetra? Several Roman villas near Chott Meriam
4146 Horrea Caelia, Heraklea Hergla
4147 Orbita? near Enfidha
4148 Bou Kesra
4149 Lamniana near Selloum
4150 Pupput Hammamet Sud
4151 Neapolis, Portus Neapolitanus Nabeul, large Roman fish processing factory
4152 Ras Maamoura, Mamurah, Roman fish pond
4153 Curubis Korba, Curba, on wadi Bou il Idine
4154 Roman road of Ksir el-Rhalem
4155 Roman road of Htouba
4156 Clupea, Clipea, Clypea, Aspis, Aspidem, near Taphitis Prom. Kelibia, near Ras Mustafa
4157 Demma (horrea)
4157.1 Es-Seguia
4158 Kerkouane
4159 Anquillaria, Aquilaria El-Hawaria east, near Ras ed Drek
4160 Latomiae, Les Latomies, Carthago’s quarry, near Hermaia Prom., Mercurii Prom. El-Haouaria, near Cap Bon
4160.1 Egimure, Corsura, Kosyros, Pontia insula, Aegimurus insulae port of the isle of Zembra
4161 Koudiat el-Guerria, near Ras el-Ahmar
4162 Essalhi bay, Borj Guelib, north of modern port of Sidi Daoud-Thonara
4163 Missua, Misua Portu Causeway/jetty to Djilia islet, about 2 km SW of modern port of Sidi Daoud-Thonara
4164 Fish pond, about 2.5 km SW of modern port of Sidi Daoud-Thonara
4164.1 Quarry, about 3 km SW of modern port of Sidi Daoud-Thonara
4165 Degla, Dagha about 10 km SW of modern port of Sidi Daoud
4166 Siminina Bir el-Jedy
4167 Port Prince Marsa Bin Ramdan
4168 Aquae Carpitianae, Calidae Aquae, Aquas, Therma, Thermis Ain Atrous, near Korbous, Qurbus
4169 Carpo, Carpis, Carpe, with two submerged breakwaters Sidi Raïs, near Mraissa, Marisa
4170 Gumis? Wadi Sultana, near Soliman
4171 Ad Aquas near Hammam Lif
4172 Naro, Aquae Persianae Wadi Miliane, near Hammam Lif
4173 Aequa Maxula, Maxyla, Maxula Rates Rades
4174 Tunes, Lake of Tunis, with outlet possibly called Galabras by Stadiasmus, Katadas by Ptolemy Tunis, Sebkha el-Bahira
4175 Carthago, Carthagine, Karchedon, Chalcedon, Caccabe, Cambe, Punic Qart Hadasht, Knyn, port of Salambo, Mandraki, Mandracium Carthago, rectangular commercial port, near Phoenician Tophet of Salammbô
4175.1 Choma Punic breakwater on Quadrilatere de Falbe, Carthage
4176 Cothon, Mandraki, Mandracium Cothon of Carthage: circular naval base
4176.1 Byrsa (archaic Phoenician settlement) Quay near Neptune block, Carthage, near Quartier Magon, SE of Saint Louis de Carthage cathedral. This might be the very first landing place of the Phoenicians (?)
4177 Saint Cyprian memorial, Sainte Monique convent Dar Saniat bay at modern Hotel Amilcar, South of Sidi Bou Said
4178 Megara, Magara, Megalia, Magalia Gammarth, submerged Punic & Roman villa
4179 Castra Cornelia, Hippagreta? on R Bagradas Kalat el-Andalous, in the delta of R Medjerda
4180 Utica, Ustica, Utique, Ityque, Karmai Utique, with arched structure near ancient water edge, said to be a cistern
4181 Membrone? near Zouaouine
4182 Castra Delia, Rusucmon, Ruscinona? Ghar el-Melh, on the lagoon of Porto Farina
4183 Pulchri Prom., Apollinis Prom. Quarry at Ras et Tarf, Cape Farina
4184 Phalans insula, Terapse insula? Ile Plane, Jaziret el-Monbasta, east of Raf Raf? These two islands are mentioned by Antonine between La Galite and Egimure (Zembra). These two small islands, located offshore Raf Raf, are the only ones to be seen during the trip from La Galite to Zembra
4185 Vulturia insula Ile Cani, Dziret el-Ikleb, North of Raf Raf? These two islands are mentioned by Antonine between La Galite and Egimure (Zembra). These two small islands, located offshore Raf Raf, are the only ones to be seen during the trip from La Galite to Zembra
4186 Thinisa, Tuniza, Tuna Safi
4187 Ras ez Zebib
4188 Quarry at R’mel
4189 Hippo Diarrhytos, Hippo Dirutus, Hippone Zarito, Benzarte Bizerte, although no archaeological evidence was found, it is suggested the present fishing port is the archaic port because of Dio Cassius’ story
4190 Henchir Chaara, on Lake of Bizerte
4190.1 Gunela? Tinja, near Menzel Bourgiba
4190.2 Thimida Tinja, near Menzel Bourgiba
4191 Pointe El-Ouali, on the SE bank of the Lake of Bizerte
4191.1 on the SE bank of the Lake of Bizerte
4191.2 on the SE bank of the Lake of Bizerte
4191.3 Fundus Bassianus Djerbia, near Menzel Bourgiba
4191.4 Theudalis? Henchir-Aouan, near Zaarour
4191.5 Psegas on an island? Jebel Ichkeul: if lake Ichkeul and the lake of Bizerte were once connected, with some islands in it, then Scylax’s description would nicely fit
4192 Horrea at Ras Bin Sekka, Ras Ghirane, and several Roman villas between Ras Angela, Ras Enghela, and Cap Blanc
4193 Khechad
4194 Ras el-Koran
4195 Quarry near Marsa Nouira, Marsa Douiba
4196 Sidi Mechrig
4197 Galata, L’ecueil de Pasque, Kalathe insula with city of Euboia? a Naxikai, Naxian island? La Galite, an island of the people of ancient Naxos in Sicily?
4198 Palmaria Galiton, islet near La Galite
4199 Argoub el-Bania
4200 Thabraca, Tabraca, Pithekousai insula? a Naxikai, Naxian island? Tabarka, ile de Tabarca, an island of the people of ancient Naxos in Sicily?
4201 Tuniza near el-Kala, el-Kolea, La Calle
4202 Hippone, Hippo Regius Annaba, on the left bank of R Wadi Boudjimah, nearly 1 km from the outlet, according to Elie de la Primaudaie, 1861
4203 Siur portus perhaps the Anse du Fort Genois in the baie des Corailleurs, North of Annaba, according to Elie de la Primaudaie, 1861
4204 el-Forkan?
4205 Collops Parvus, Sulluco, Sublucu, Sulluctu? Aïn Babar
4206 Tacatua, Holochites portus, Holochites Sinus bay of Takouch NW of Annaba: Chetaibi
4207 Zacca Cap de Fer, Ras el-Haddid
4208 Culucitanis? el-Mersa
4209 Paratianis near Guerbes beach
4210 Rusicade, Rusciadae, Thapsa, Numidicus portus, Numidicus Sinus Skikda, SW of the railway station
4211 Stora, Astora? near Skikda
4212 Chullu, Collops Magna Collo
4213 peninsula of Collo, now connected to the continent
4214 Port of Olives, Paccianis Matidae? Mers el-Zitoun, at the outlet of R Wadi Zhour
4215 Tucca, on R Ampsaga on the left bank of the first bend, 4 km from the outlet of R Wadi el-Kebir
4216 Igilgili Jijel, Djidjelli
4217 Iarsath, Uzicath el-Aouana and island Cavallo?
4218 Choba Punic port at Mansouriah island
4218.1 Choba, Chobae, Coba Municipum Roman port at Ziama, on wadi Ziama
4219 Musluvium, Muslubio Andriech, at Sidi Rehane, near cape Aokas
4220 Saldas, Saldae, Sida, near R Nasavath Bejaia, Bougie, Bugia, Vgayet, near wadi Soummam
4220.1 Ouabar? Vabar? Wadi Daas, Ddas
4221 Roman villa at Sidi Khelifa
4222 Rusazus Azeffoun, Port Gueydon
4223 Rusippisir, Rusibirsir Sidi Khaled, near Taksebt
4224 Iomnion, Iomnium Tigzirt
4225 Rusucurru, Ascurum Dellys, with fish processing at La Saline
4226 Cissi, Seksi Cape Djinet
4227 R Serbes Dar Mendil, on wadi Isser, Yusr
4228 Rusubbicari Matidiae, Port des Poules, Port of chicken Mers el-Hadjedje, Zemmouri
4229 Djezair el-Kodra, near Reghaia
4230 Rusguniae Cape Matifou, Tametfoust near Bordj el-Bahri, La Perouse
4231 Icosium, Akion Alger, Algiers, and its îlot de l’Amiraute
4232 Cape Caxine
4233 Obori? Sidi Ferruch
4234 Fouka
4235 Casae Calventi? Bou Ismaïl
4236 Tagourait
4237 Tipasa Tipaza, sheltered by two islets
4238 Tipasa Tipaza, quarry, port inside the lagoon?
4238.1 Tipasa Tipaza, fish processing factory
4239 Quarry near Caroubier beach, below djebel Chenoua
4239.1 el-Baldj, Beldj
4240 Roman villa at Thalefsa
4240.1 Roman villa at el-Khous
4241 Trois Îlots Hamdania, Ras el-Meskhouta, Roman fish processing factory
4241.1 Cap Blanc, Rocher Blanc
4241.2 Caesarea Mauretaniae, Cesaree de Mauretanie, Iol Cherchel, fish processing factory at cap Tizirine
4242 Caesarea Mauretaniae, Cesaree de Mauretanie, Iol, commercial port Cherchel, eastern basin
4243 Caesarea Mauretaniae, Cesaree de Mauretanie, Iol, naval base Cherchel, western basin
4244 Psamathos isle of Joinville in front of Cherchel, with ancient lighthouse
4244.1 Jofr el-Amar, Pointe Rouge
4244.2 Several Roman villae near wadi Hammam
4244.3 Roman villae near wadi Afiri
4245 Roman villa near wadi Sidi Ghiles
4245.1 Roman villa at Bidal, Bidel, near wadi el-Haouch and Madame Romaine beach
4245.2 Roman quarry & villa at Cave Hardy, near Petit Vichy beach
4245.3 Roman quarry near wadi Tirhermine
4245.4 Roman villa at Lalla Tamezguida, near wadi Ifri
4245.5 Hadjret en-Nous
4246 Gouraya
4247 Gunugu, Gunucus Sidi Brahim, near Gouraya
4248 Cartili? port of Castellum Germanorum outlet of wadi Damous
4249 Lar, Iar Castellum? Beni Haoua
4250 Cartenna Tenes
4251 Arsennaria El-Guelta, on wadi Bou Aïdane, near wadi Guelta
4252 Kherbet Ramoul
4253 Cape Kramis, near Ouled Boughalem
4254 Outlet of wadi Roumane, wadi Titinguel
4254.1 Hadjadj
4255 Chaaïbia, at Cape Ivi, Willis, Ouillis
4256 Quiza Cenitana Outlet of wadi Chelif, Chlef, with ancient lighthouse at el-Djaalia
4257 Murustaga, Deorum portus Mostaganem
4258 Portus Magnus, Fretum Magnum, Chalka? near R Sira Port aux Poules at Bethioua, near Arzew, near wadi el-Hammam
4258.1 Portus Magnus, Fretum Magnum Bethioua, near Arzew
4259 Portus Magnus, Fretum Magnum Old Arzew
4260 Portus Divinus, Theulimen, Arylon? Oran
4261 Acium insula Ile aux oiseaux, Jazirah Tatouyour in front of Cape Falcon
4262 Castra Puerum, « Mes » of Scylax’ Periplus Les Andalouses
4263 Error insula? Bartas insula? Ile Plane, Ile Paloma
4264 Mersa Madakh
4265 Tauria insula Isles of Habibas North of Bouzedjar
4266 Gilva Mersa Bouzadjar?
4267 Crispas submerged in front of Sbiaat, Gerardi Beach?
4268 Camarata Sidi Djeloul at the outlet of R Wadi Ghazer
4269 Portus Sigensis, port of Siga at outlet of R Siga Takembrit, maritime port at outlet of wadi Tafna
4270 Siga, Sigon, Syke, Rusigada, on R Siga Takembrit, river port on wadi Tafna
4271 Akra, Acra insula Excavated small basin on the isle of Rachgoun in front of Takembrit
4272 Portu Caecili Wardania beach?
4273 Gypsaria, Artisiga, port of the Ifrenids Honaine
4274 Ad Fratres, port of Nedroma Ghazaouet-Nemours
4275 Lemnis? near Bider
4276 Calama de Mauretania, on R Malva, Mulva, Mulucha, Molochath salt production on R Wadi Mulucha, Moulouya, Malua, Malvana
4277 Tres insulas Chafarinas islands, from E to W : île du Roi, île d’Isabelle, île du Congres
4278 Atalayoun, Marchica near Nador, possible salt production
4279 Rusaddir, east of Metagonium prom. Melilla, east of cabo de Tres Forcas
4279.1 Sidi Driss, on wadi Ameqrane
4280 Sex insulae, Drinaupa? Penon de Alhucema, near al-Hoceima
4281 Parietina Torres de Alcala
4282 Cobucla el-Jebha
4283 R Laud navigable, Taenia Longa? R Wadi Laou
4284 Emsa, Amsa, Kubia, Cudia Tebmain, possible fish processing factory and amphora kilns
4285 Sidi Abdesalam del Behar, possible fish processing factory and salt production and amphora kilns on old wadi Martil outlet
4286 Metrouna, fish processing factory on old wadi Martil outlet
4287 Tamuda fort and river port on R Wadi Martil, with Roman amphora kilns
4288 Aquila maior Cabo Negro
4289 Sania y Torres, quarry and fish processing factory
4290 Sidi Bou Hayel, on wadi Negron, near Restinga, fish processing factory
4291 Aquila minor Los Castillejos, on wadi Fnideq, possible fish processing factory
4292 Playa de la Ribera, in the South bay of Ceuta
4293 Santa Catalina, at northern tip of Monte Hacho at Ceuta
4294 Ad Septem Fratres, Herculesum Fretum modern port of Ceuta, at the toe of Monte Hacho which is sometimes assimilated with one of the Pillars of Hercules, several fish processing factories, Roman amphora kilns and possible salt production on the isthmus
4295 Playa Benitez, near Ceuta
4296 Mt Abyla, Abila, Abylike Belyounech, Beliunes, in the bay of Benzu, at the toe of Jebel Mousa, Djebel Moussa, near Ceuta, which is generally assimilated with one of the Pillars of Hercules, possible fish processing factory
4297 Ogygia, Calypso’s island where Odysseus possibly made a long stop Isle of Perejil, al-Yazira Layla Tawra
4298 el-Marsa, Ouadmarsa, Marsa Musa, fish processing factory
4299 Er Rmel-near the modern port of Tanger Med, possible fish processing factory
4300 Lissa? Ksar Seghir, Qsar Sghir, eroded fish processing factory
4301 Dchar Askfane, fish processing factory and Roman amphora kilns
4302 Sahara, Ezzahara, fish processing factory
4303 Leliak, fish processing factory
4304 Wadi Liam, oued Aliane, possible fish processing factory
4305 Kankouz, fish processing factory
4306 Tanja el-Balia, Gandori, Roman (or Portuguese?) fort at Malabata, possible fish processing factory and salt production
4307 Tingi Mauretaniam, Thigge, Tingis, Thymiateria, Thymaterion Tangier, Tanger
4308 Cape Soloeis, Solente, Ampelusia Ashaqqar, Achakar beach, South of Hercules caves, near Cape Spartel
4309 Cottae, Cotes, Kotes Large Roman fish processing factory and possible salt production
4310 Roman villa at Sidi Kacem, possible fish processing factory
4311 Pontion? on R Zilia Quarry and fish processing factory and possible salt production near outlet of wadi Tahaddart, wadi Hachef, with Neolithic settlement north of the power plant
4312 Sidi Bou Nouar, possible fish processing factory
4313 Ermaia Akra Prom. Ras Kouass, quarry near outlet of wadi Gharifa
4314 R Anides? Kouass, fish processing factory with Roman amphora kilns and possible salt production near wadi Garifa
4315 Lalla Safia, possible fish processing factory
4316 Port of Zilil, Zilis, Silis Asilah, possible fish processing factory. Zilil is located at Dchar Jdid, 12 km NE of Azilah
4317 Roman villa near Souk Khemis
4318 Djouima
4319 Sidi Abderahim
4320 Roman villa at Rekada
4321 Lixus, Lynx, Trinx, on R Lixus Tchemmich hill, 5 km East of Larache, very large Roman fish processing factory and possible salt production and amphora kilns on wadi Loukkos
4322 Banasa on R Sububus, Subur Sidi Ali bou Jenoun on R Wadi Sebou, fish processing factory and Roman amphora kilns
4323 Thamusida on R Sububus, Subur Sidi Ali ben Ahmed, Roman fort with Roman amphora kilns on R Wadi Sebou, 12 km NE of Kenitra
4324 Mehdia
4325 Sala Colonia Chellah, Sale, with possible salt production and amphora kilns on R Wadi Bouregreg, near Rabat
4326 Roman fort at Seguia Faraoun
4327 R Asana, Asama, navigable R Wadi Cherrat, near Bouznika
4328 Fedala, Fedhala Mohammedia, with possible salt production near Plage des Sablettes
4329 Anfa Casablanca
4330 Azama, Karikon Teichos? Azemmour? on wadi Oum Errabiaa
4331 Rutubis, Rusibis, Gytte, Gutte? Mazagan, el-Jadida
4332 Tit, Akra? Sidi Bouzid
4333 Moulay Abdallah with possible salt production pits
4334 Sidi Abed with possible salt production
4335 Melitta Oualidia with possible salt production
4336 Mysocaras, Musokaras Safi
4337 Mogador Essaouira, outlet of R Wadi Ksob
4338 Isle of Mogador, iles Purpuraires, Purple islands, Arambys insulae, Aranbys? in front of Essaouira, fish processing factory
4339 Cape Rhysaddir, Risadir Cape Ghir, 50 km North of Agadir
4340 Fum Asaca on wadi Fum, Noun, possible dye factory
4341 Fortunatae insulae, Makaron nesoi, Elysian Fields, the Hesperides Canaria islands
4341.1 Aprositos insula Isla de Alegranza?
4341.2 Pluitana, Pluvialia insula, Invallis, Convallis insula Isla Lanzarote
4341.3 Planaria, Planasia, Erbania insula Isla Fuerteventura
4341.4 Canaria insula Isla Gran Canaria, Tamaran
4341.5 Pinturia, Centuria, Ninguaria, Nivaria insula Isla Tenerife
4341.6 Casperia, Capraria insula Isla La Gomera
4341.7 Ombrios insula Isla La Palma, La Bonita
4341.8 Junonia, Juno insula Isla El Hierro
4342 Isle of Kerne, Cerne Isle of Herne, Dragon Island in the gulf of Dakhla? Hanno indicates he navigated 2 days to the South from Larache, 1 day to the East, and that the island has a perimeter of ½ nautical mile, and that it is inside a gulf, about 850 nautical miles from Ceuta. The isle of Herne is inside of the gulf of Dakhla (also called Rio de Oro) which is more than 20 nautical miles long and is located about 1000 nautical miles from Ceuta. The isle of Herne has a perimeter in the order of 1 nautical mile. Despite the approximations, there does not seem to be any other site in this part of the world that corresponds better to Hanon’s description.
4343 Notou Keras bayNote that Ptolemy places Notuceras, Notou-Keras on the African east-coast (Geogr. 4, 7, 11), and Hesperou Keras on the African west-coast (Geogr. 4, 6, 2): this confirms his vision of an African continent roughly limited to the area North of the Equator (his most southerly latitude is ca. 8.5°South).
Hanno’s journey went on to an unlocated bay called Hesperu Keras (possibly Cape Three Points in Ghana) and to a mountain called Theon Ochema (possibly Mount Cameroon) and to a bay called Notou Keras where he finally turned around back home.
This bay is where Hanno decided to go back home. This bay was located at 3 sailing days South of a high mountain with fire called Theon Ochema which might be Mount Cameroon. An island with gorillas was located on a lake which was located on an island in this bay: the isle of Mbanié is now a tiny island which might once have been part of Corisco island and its surrounding lagoon, itself located in Corisco bay (Gabon) around 200 nautical miles South of Mount Cameroon. This similarity is obviously hypothetical, but it is plausible …
Note that in this area trade winds and currents are North oriented, and therefore quite adverse for navigating further South.